Archive for The CEDRIC Centre Weekly Update
CEDRIC’s Weekly Update – Week 16, 2010
Posted by mmorand on April 20, 2010 Welcome to the CEDRIC Centre’s blog. This is the best place online to make lasting and complete changes to your stressful relationship with food, as well as any other stressful circumstances whether in relation to your self-regard, your relationships or your career. Many would say that we are the experts in getting you from “I’m stuck” to unstuck. Our very simple, quick, and effective method for removing all the barriers to your success, while simultaneously teaching you new ways of approaching food and other stressors, works for every harmful coping strategy and for every age, male or female. So whether you overeat, restrict, purge, drink, procrastinate, get stuck in harmful or unsatisfying relationships, feel unfulfilled in your career, or struggle with family connections, our method will show you, simply and speedily, how to create the change you seek in all areas of your life. Don’t waste another day feeling stuck and stressed out. Regardless of what you may have tried in the past, I can guarantee you, you’ve never tried this because if you had, you wouldn’t still be seeking a solution. Guaranteed! CEDRIC’s Weekly Update Hello and welcome to another weekly update of CEDRIC Events! Our Spring Workshops: It’s CEDRIC founder Michelle Morand here. Our work in Victoria and Vancouver as well as far and away in the world has going well. I’ve been in Vancouver this past weekend and will be again this weekend and next for CEDRIC events. This weekend coming up (April 23 – 25th ) is our Phabulous Phase I workshop where a group of people who are ready to completely step free of using food to cope will be joining me for 3 days of intensive education and practice to create lasting change in their relationship. No need to diet ever again! Yay! The next Phase I workshop is May 14 – 16 in Victoria, BC. Just email me if you have questions or want to attend! More Vancouver Events: Next weekend (May 1 & 2) I’m facilitating 2 workshops at the Health and Wellness show. See last week’s update for details on times and places. If you’re at all interested in not using food to cope anymore and in freeing yourself from procrastination, you’ll want to attend. I’ll be signing books and sharing a little information on the CEDRIC Centre as well. More Victoria Events: Sarah Atkinson, my right hand here in Victoria, is deep in her facilitation of our latest 12-week group. She’ll also be facilitating a 4-hour workshop in Victoria the weekend of May 14th at the Commonwealth Place to introduce people to the core tools of the CEDRIC approach and show you how quickly you can overcome your overeating and/or restricting. Again, just email or call with any questions if you’d like more details. Our Web-Based Program is Flourishing – Please Join Us!: We’ve had such a wonderfully overwhelming response to our web-based program and the group forums are filled with such great sharing and support, questions and learning, that we are choosing to extend our special rate of $33.00 per month with no initial sign up fee indefinitely. The whole purpose of the Cedric Centre, when I began to conceptualize it in the early ‘90s and when I opened the doors in 1999, was to create a solid sense of community and support worldwide for people who use food to cope and want to step free if it. The technology of the Internet and online classes, downloads, and teleclasses has finally caught up with my vision and I am so thrilled to see how people are embracing this option to receive education and support from me and from each other, any time anywhere. Our next web program teleclass is Wed. April 21, @ 5:00 Pacific time so if you’ve been thinking of joining, I encourage you to do so before then so you can join the call. You can also email me any questions you’d like to hear answered beforehand and I’ll answer them on the call in case you can’t attend or are just too shy to ask. It’s raining here in Victoria but it’s warm and fresh. Spring has sprung. I hope the same is true for you, wherever you are. And I hope you welcome the sunshine into your life as best you can. You deserve light and warmth and lots of love and appreciation. Springtime Reflections: If you’re at all concerned or frustrated by the coming warm weather and thus, mandatory skin exposure (or death by heatstroke), I encourage you to read this article that I wrote awhile back about spring and summer and the use of food to cope. Have a fantastic week and don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly newsletter if you’re just visiting so that you can get my tools for recovery article that comes directly to your in box every Saturday morning. LoveTags: all-or-nothing thinking, binge eating, body/mind/spirit, compulsive eating, core beliefs, drill sergeant, eating disorder workshops, eating disorders, rebalancing, recovery, self care, self esteem, self love, self worth, workshops
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, The CEDRIC Centre Weekly Update
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Posted by mmorand on April 14, 2010 Welcome to the CEDRIC Centre’s blog. This is the best place online to make lasting and complete changes to your stressful relationship with food, as well as any other stressful circumstances whether in relation to your self-regard, your relationships or your career. Many would say that we are the experts in getting you from “I’m stuck” to unstuck. Our very simple, quick, and effective method for removing all the barriers to your success, while simultaneously teaching you new ways of approaching food and other stressors, works for every harmful coping strategy and for every age, male or female. So whether you overeat, restrict, purge, drink, procrastinate, get stuck in harmful or unsatisfying relationships, feel unfulfilled in your career, or struggle with family connections, our method will show you, simply and speedily, how to create the change you seek in all areas of your life. Don’t waste another day feeling stuck and stressed out. Regardless of what you may have tried in the past, I can guarantee you, you’ve never tried this because if you had, you wouldn’t still be seeking a solution. Guaranteed! CEDRIC’s Weekly Update Hello all! Our April Vancouver Workshop: We have one more week to go before our Vancouver Phase I workshop (April 23 – 25th). This event is being held in the heart of downtown Vancouver (W. Hastings and Granville) in a lovely old building. It’s a quiet, private setting for our group to spend 3 days exploring all the aspects of why you use food to cope and most significantly, how to stop once and for all! Freedom is just around the corner. So if you’re ready to stop feeling stuck and to start living, here’s your chance! Call or email any time for more information. Meet Me in Vancouver in May: I’ll be presenting two workshops the weekend of May 1 and 2nd, 2010 at the Health and Wellness show at the Convention Centre at the Pan Pacific hotel in downtown Vancouver. Saturday @ 5:45 my presentation teaches you some very simple and effective strategies for overcoming any barriers to optimum health. Sunday @ 11:00 I’ll be presenting an introductory education on why people use food to cope and how to stop. If you know anyone who may benefit from these events and from learning a bit more about how to step completely free from food and body image stress, send them this link and encourage them to join me for a seminar and book signing! Our May Victoria Workshop: also have a Phase I weekend workshop coming up in beautiful Victoria, BC, the weekend of May 14 – 16th. These events are Friday through Sunday from 10 – 5 each day. Check out this link for more details and please email or call any time for more information. Watch for this week’s article: This week our tools for recovery article offers you a deeper look at the annoyingly insidious pattern of thought called all-or-nothing thinking. In my experience, the more adept you become at noticing when you’re in all-or-nothing thinking, the easier it is for you to catch it and not get hooked. This means you feel safer, more peaceful, more confident and competent in all areas of your life and that means you don’t need to use food to cope or any other harmful coping strategy like drugs, alcohol, isolation, procrastination, shopping, or co-dependence! Freedom! Yay!!! It is so incredibly doable and so much faster and easier than you might imagine to completely step free of any harmful coping strategy. Don’t wait any longer. Call or email and start truly living today. Have a fabulous week! LoveTags: acceptance, all-or-nothing thinking, compulsive eating, core beliefs, drill sergeant, eating disorders, recovery, self care, self esteem, self love, self worth
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, The CEDRIC Centre Weekly Update
Leave a Comment (0) →CEDRIC’s Weekly Update – Week 14 2010
Posted by mmorand on April 7, 2010 Welcome to the CEDRIC Centre’s blog. This is the best place online to make lasting and complete changes to your stressful relationship with food, as well as any other stressful circumstances whether in relation to your self-regard, your relationships or your career. Many would say that we are the experts in getting you from “I’m stuck” to unstuck. Our very simple, quick, and effective method for removing all the barriers to your success, while simultaneously teaching you new ways of approaching food and other stressors, works for every harmful coping strategy and for every age, male or female. So whether you overeat, restrict, purge, drink, procrastinate, get stuck in harmful or unsatisfying relationships, feel unfulfilled in your career, or struggle with family connections, our method will show you, simply and speedily, how to create the change you seek in all areas of your life. Don’t waste another day feeling stuck and stressed out. Regardless of what you may have tried in the past, I can guarantee you, you’ve never tried this because if you had, you wouldn’t still be seeking a solution. Guaranteed!Latest Happenings
Well! Last week was lovely for me personally as my husband and son celebrated their birthdays at a family dinner. The 4-day weekend for Easter break was a very special treat for me as I rarely take that full weekend off. We enjoyed our standard Easter Sunday egg hunt with our dear friends and their children, this time we had the hunt outside and a fun treasure hunt inside. It was lovely to just hang out with my children and putter (a very rare opportunity!). Of course the puttering included a few games of laser tag for my son’s birthday, meal prep for the big dinner, and the usual laundry, dishes, rides for kids here and there, and the sorting out of smallish family issues. It was, upon reflection, a very busy weekend! Yet, I feel relaxed, peaceful and very content as I sit at my computer on Tuesday morning and prepare for my day. I think the trick to experiencing a state of peace most of the time is to become adept at recognizing the cues that tell you when you’re feeling not-peace. Cues like a little butterfly or a whole herd of buffalo in your tummy; a tight chest; holding your breath; tension in your shoulders and neck and/or jaw; focusing on food and body image either through overeating or restricting; a very busy mind that is either ruminating on a problem or jumping willy nilly from one thought to another are all indicators that you’re feeling unsettled/anxious and therefore, not peaceful. Once you recognize that you are doing any of the above and are therefore feeling unsettled, the practice of simply acknowledging that you’re not peaceful will bring you more into the present moment. This instantly creates a greater sense of peace and strength in you as you are more grounded in the here and now. And from this place it feels much safer and easier to simply check in about what might be creating the distress. My latest series of articles speaks more to this process, and this week’s article offers you a deeper and more specific education into the primary culprit within you; all-or-nothing thinking. As for goings on this week. Sarah continues her Monday night group with a great group of women. I’m excited for them and all of the learning that will come their way over the next 12 weeks.Upcoming Victoria and Vancouver workshops
I’m busy preparing for our Vancouver Phase I workshop on the 23 – 25 of April (10 – 5 each day). It’s being held downtown at the private office of a colleague of mine, at a lovely character building on the corner of Granville and W. Hastings. If you are tired of food and body distress taking up more of your time than you’d like and robbing you of the quality of life you’d like to have, this event is the event for you. There is no reason to keep feeling stuck and like time’s a wastin’ when in 3 days you can “get” it and move on with a whole new perspective and a whole new set of tools to handle anything life brings your way. If you’d prefer a Victoria event we are offering our next Phase I in Victoria on May 14 – 16th.Our Food is Not the Problem Online Program
Also, our amazing web-based program for complete recovery is being offered with absolutely no sign up fee this month. You can start your healing today for the simple monthly membership fee of $33.00! Current participants claim that the daily centering exercises alone are worth well over the full cost of the program but you get so much more than the brief daily meditations. Have a snoop and see all of the tools and resources that are available to you as a member of our innovative program. Email me if you have any questions, I’m happy to help.Upcoming Events – Come and meet me in person!
- The weekend of April 30 – May 2 I’ll be at the Wellness Show at the Convention Centre at the Pan Pacific Hotel in downtown Vancouver.
- Saturday the 1st of May @ 5:45 pm I’ll be presenting a seminar called: Practical and Effective Tools for Overcoming Emotional, Psychological and Physical Barriers to Optimum Health.
- Sunday the 2nd @ 11:00 am I’m presenting a talk called: Food is Not the Problem: Deal With What Is! where I’ll outline the basics of complete recovery from any stressful connection with food and/or body image.
Tags: acceptance, all-or-nothing thinking, anorexia, anxiety, binge eating, body image, bulimia, CEDRIC Centre, co-dependent, community, compulsive eating, control, core beliefs, drill sergeant, eating disorders, exploring, recovery, self care, self esteem, self love, self worth, The Cedric Centre Weekly Update
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, The CEDRIC Centre Weekly Update
Leave a Comment (0) →CEDRIC’s Weekly Update
Posted by mmorand on April 1, 2010 Hello. Welcome to the CEDRIC Centre’s blog. This is the best place online to make lasting and complete changes to your stressful relationship with food, as well as any other stressful circumstances whether in relation to your self-regard, your relationships or your career. Many would say that we are the experts in getting you from “I’m stuck” to unstuck. Our very simple, quick, and effective method for removing all the barriers to your success, while simultaneously teaching you new ways of approaching food and other stressors, works for every harmful coping strategy and for every age, male or female. So whether you overeat, restrict, purge, drink, procrastinate, get stuck in harmful or unsatisfying relationships, feel unfulfilled in your career, or struggle with family connections, our method will show you, simply and speedily, how to create the change you seek in all areas of your life.Don’t waste another day feeling stuck and stressed out. Regardless of what you may have tried in the past, I can guarantee you, you’ve never tried this because if you had, you wouldn’t still be seeking a solution. Guaranteed!
Latest Happenings: This past weekend I was in Vancouver to give a presentation on Friday which went exceptionally well and on Saturday which worked out perfectly! Saturday’s event was a new venture for me in tandem with the Ayurvedic centre and there were, undeniably, a few glitches getting the word out. As it was I had a lovely talk with my sole attendee for an hour and a half and enjoyed connecting with her very much. I am looking forward to more presentations throughout the Spring and into the Summer at various centres and health shows. Come to a Workshop in Vancouver or Victoria! In the meantime, if you or someone you know has been thinking that maybe it’s time to try an approach to food and to your life overall that really works and produces lasting change to all areas of your life, I urge you to join me for our next 3-day transformative workshop on April 23 – 25th in Vancouver. The event is being held at office 901 – 675 West Hastings St. The cross street is Granville. It’s a great space, a great area and so far, a great group of people signed up! I’m really looking forward to this event. You know, these 3-day events really are the best way to get all the tools in a short period of time with the practical training so you can leave the workshop on Sunday with absolute confidence in your ability to approach your life in a new way. No restriction, no nagging voice in your head, just peace and motivation that lasts. I do hope to see you at the Vancouver workshop – but if Victoria suits your life better these is one May 14 – 16th at our centre in Victoria in the heart of our lovely downtown core. Join our Web-Based Food is Not the Problem Program: Special Price for April only! Oh, and don’t forget our web program which is available for April with no initial sign up fee and our low monthly fee of $33.00. It’s the best way, with the least amount of effort on your part, to begin to make sizeable changes to your stressful relationship with food. Even if you only take part in the daily centering exercises (which come straight to your inbox every morning) and monthly teleclasses (a simple group call), I guarantee you’ll find it more than worth your while. Have a fabulous week!!! Love