When the eating disorder bulimia is in our lives we are not just dealing with food and weight issues. With binging and purging there are underlying concerns that initially drive us to focus on food and the body.
Why Am I Binging and Purging?

Many of us have feelings of low self-worth and a strong need to control emotions and surroundings. We experience escalating cycles of bingeing and purging in our attempt to feel in control of our lives. Binging distances us from stressful situations by allowing us to stuff our emotions with food.
Binging also provides us with an external sense of safety. Purging then helps us to regain a sense of control over our body and behaviours.
These senses of safety and control come at a high price, however. We will ultimately end up feeling guilty and disgusted with ourselves for binging and purging. Plus, we still haven’t solved the problem that led us to the cycle of binging and purging in the first place.
The majority of those with bulimic behaviour are secretive about the cycle of binge, purge, shame, and guilt. They struggle with feelings of self-hatred, blame, low self-worth, loneliness, and fear of failure. Those who struggle with bulimic patterns also engage in all-or-nothing thinking. There is no middle ground. A distorted body image, and an intense fear of weight gain are also common.
Common Characteristics of Bulimia
(Not all need to be present to have the disorder)
- Recurring episodes of binge eating with out-of-control feelings during binges
- Particular foods disappearing from the house
- Regular self-induced purging (through the use of laxatives, diuretics, vomiting or severe food restriction) to prevent weight gain followed by depressed mood, guilt, fear, etc.
- Numerous trips to the bathroom, especially after meals
- Weight fluctuations
- Preoccupation with weight and shape
- Dieting followed by eating binges
- Secretiveness about bingeing and purging
- Excessive exercise
- Inability to identify/express emotions
- Feelings of guilt, shame, disgust
Source for characteristics: Association for Awareness and Networking Around Disordered Eating (ANAD)
What Can The CEDRIC Centre Do to Help?

Over the past 15 years, I have developed a simple and effective set of tools for shifting your harmful thoughts, feelings and behaviours like binging and purging. Our tools provide you with a step by step process for implementing those changes and making sure they stick.
Men and women worldwide have experienced lasting change in their relationships with food, with their bodies. You will also notice big improvements with the key people in your life through The CEDRIC Centre’s unique program. You can too.
What Can I Do? How Can I Stop?

I am very excited to offer you these unique online products and services. I have created them specifically to provide you with the education, tools and support you need to achieve lasting success. You will notice improvements in your relationship with food, your body and with the people in your life. These programs are designed to help you stop your negative relationship with food and achieve a healthy lifestyle.
- Online Web Program
- Books
- Downloadable Products
- Audio
- Video
- Product Bundles
- Workbooks
- Helpful Books
- Helpful Sites
For more information or to speak with one of our qualified counsellors, please fill out our form.
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about binging and purging.
The CEDRIC Centre is committed to ensuring that everyone who wants information and support to heal has the opportunity.
From harmful coping strategies and your own stressful relationship with food, yourself or others – you can access this support regardless of your financial situation or geographic location.
The CEDRIC Centre is committed to ensuring that everyone who wants information and support to heal has the opportunity.
From harmful coping strategies and your own stressful relationship with food, yourself or others – you can access this support regardless of your financial situation or geographic location.
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