Are you ready to start feeling confident and secure in yourself, your body, your career and your relationships?

Would you like to step free of anxiety, insecurity, and behaviours that really only make things worse?
Our unique Individual Counselling program will show you how to sort it all out, quickly and simply.
If you’re here it means you or someone you know feels really stuck and frustrated in their lives. It also means you’re ready for something to change. We can help you. You’ll be happy to hear that it is normal for our individual clients to tell us that after just a few sessions they are feeling more at peace with the things that were bothering them and they are feeling more in control of their thoughts, emotions and behaviours. 5 Sessions is often sufficient to make significant changes, regardless of how long this problem has been in your life.
In fact, our clients are often able, within just a handful of sessions, to experience a sense of freedom and peace around food, weight, alcohol, social situations and other common life challenges, that they have never felt before in their entire lives.
That’s because we teach people right away how to get underneath what’s bugging you to the real issue: Why.
Why do you think and feel and act as you do? Find out (this often occurs in the first session) and from there it’s on to the “What to do about it.” We’ll teach you a simple 7 step path to freedom that you can apply to any situation or stressor in your life to help you quickly get clear on what’s bugging you and what to do about it.
Our approach is simple and it just makes sense. It works quickly to get to the root of what’s keeping you stuck and teaches you 3 simple tools that you can use anytime, anywhere to feel confident in every aspect of your life.
Client Testimonials
Here are a few comments from past clients about their experience of our program:
“Dear Michelle,
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me the past year. I always look forward to our sessions and leave feeling better. It’s nice to have someone to talk to whose feedback I fully trust. I think you are absolutely wonderful at what you do and I wish everyone could have the benefit of working with you. Again, thank you. You are appreciated more than I can say.
– Sam
“Hi Michelle,
YES, last night after doing the stressors I felt like I have never felt before. I was so calm, and rational, and it felt fantastic. I actually felt like I was drugged a bit… Can you imagine if I felt like that all the time?! Holy mother would that be something else.
Thanks, Michelle “
– N
[For the record, this lady completed her process with us and does feel like that 24/7. And you can too!]
Click here to read more personal testimonials from clients.
Get Started Today
So, if you’d like things to be different in your life, reach out now and get started. Don’t buy into the belief that change has to be hard or take a long time. It doesn’t matter what you’ve tried before, you haven’t tried the CEDRIC Method: Simple, Fast, Lasting.
Payment Plans are available if needed – We’ll do whatever we can to help you get the help you need now so you can start living life to the fullest today!
If you would like to book an individual counselling session or ask some questions to make sure our program is right for you, just click on this link or call 1-778-990-4606 for direct access.
Individual sessions are fifty minutes in length. We offer our highly successful individual counselling services anywhere in the world via Skype and telephone and in select locations in person.
- 50 minutes for $150.00 CDN.
Counselling That Works – Anywhere in the World

Our Telephone, Skype, and Email Counselling are extremely powerful ways to enhance your recovery process. In fact, we have been offering this service since 1999 with success equal to that of our in-person sessions. And now, because it is so easy, convenient and successful, more than 75% of our clients are skype or telephone clients. Current research on counselling treatment has proven what we’ve known for years; that telephone and e-mail counselling is equally as effective as face-to-face.
As a distance client, you can establish a strong connection and a safe and trusting relationship with your counsellor that will forever change the way you relate to food and give you the peace and freedom you seek. Wherever you live in the world, you will be treated to the high-quality care and attention to detail offered through The CEDRIC Centre that has changed the lives of hundreds of men and women throughout the world. Call 778-990-4606 to arrange a session or email us at For more information, or to speak with one of our qualified counsellors, please fill out our form below. Individual sessions are fifty minutes in length.
- 50 minutes for $150.00 CDN for Individual Counselling/Skype/Phone