Live Weekend Workshops for Eating Disorders
Understanding the many factors driving stress with food and weight makes attaining freedom from it a lot easier!

Welcome! My name is Michelle Morand, I’m the founder and director of The CEDRIC Centre. In addition to our individual counselling, web based counselling program, books, cd’s, etc., I’ve created a series of 3-day workshops for eating disorders designed to teach you simple step-by-step tools for successfully and confidently navigating life’s ups and downs.
Whether your primary struggle is with food, relationships, insecurity, isolation, procrastination, drugs, alcohol, shopping, anger, or your career, these tools will help you make sense of the issue in clear, simple terms and to identify real, practical, and often very simple and straightforward solutions to any problem at hand.
Clients often say, after attending a workshop: ‘This should be taught in high-school!’ and ‘Why doesn’t everyone know this stuff!?’

It’s so simple and makes such sense and people just get it and begin immediately to experience the world and their place in it in an entirely different way after just 3 days.
I hope you’ll join me or one of my CEDRIC Specialists for an event that will absolutely transform your life.