Emotional Eating, Binging, Eating Disorders and Food Addiction Treatment: Change that lasts.
Rest assured, if you’re frustrated with your relationship with food and how much time you spend thinking about food or weight you’ve come to the right place for help. Whether you might identify yourself as wanting help for emotional eating, binging, eating disorders or food addiction treatment we can help you to quickly feel complete confidence and trust in yourself with food and with your weight.

If you’d like to check for yourself how much of a problem food addiction, eating disorders, or overeating is in your life, explore our self-checklist.
If you’re here, it’s likely because you or someone you really care about is struggling with their relationship with food, body image, weight, alcohol, anxiety, and/or depression and you’re ready for things to be different.
You may already have been in a number of treatment facilities, or tried countless diets, or have been struggling with these issues for years, maybe even decades. You may have been dealing with these patterns for so long you can’t even remember who you were or what life was like without them.
No worries. That doesn’t mean that you can’t figure it out or that there’s something wrong with you. It simply means that those people/programs/diets were focused on the surface symptoms of food and weight and didn’t help you to understand the full root of the issue. It’s also a safe bet that they didn’t teach you any simple, step-by-step tools for lasting change and didn’t give you steps on how to stop food addiction. And so you’re here.

We’ll show you quickly and simply why it is that you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing, why it hasn’t worked and won’t ever work, and what exactly you can do, right away, to forever change the way you think and feel about yourself, food, and your place in the world.
The tools we’ll teach you will naturally change the way you behave towards yourself, and you’ll confidently and peacefully release your need of those harmful coping strategies that have been plaguing you for years and robbing you of the quality of life you deserve.
Below, I’ve shared some of my favorite statistics about food and body image and other harmful coping strategies to help you to appreciate that you’re not alone, and that you’ve come to the right place to begin to heal once and for all.
I welcome an email from you with your questions and comments. You can contact me here anytime.
Some Notable Statistics

Most efforts to control weight through calorie restriction result in only very short-term weight loss, and, often ultimately lead to weight gain.
- Dieting for weight loss is often associated with weight gain, due to the increased incidence of binge-eating. Field, A. E., Austin, S. B., Taylor, C. B., Malpeis, S., Rosner, B., Rockett, H. R., Gillman, M. W. & Colditz, G. A. (2003).
- Relation between dieting and weight change among preadolescents and adolescents. Pediatrics, 112(4), 900-906, Stice, Cameron, R. P., Killen, J. D., Hayward, C. & Taylor, C. B. (1999).
- Naturalistic weight-reduction efforts prospectively predict growth in relative weight and onset of obesity among female adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 967-974.
- Adolescent girls who diet are at 324% greater risk for obesity than those who do not diet. (Stice et al., 1999).
- In a study published in 2003 in the journal Pediatrics, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that adolescents who dieted put on more weight than those who did not diet over a three year period.
- A review of 10 of the nation’s most popular weight-loss programs found that except for Weight Watchers, none of them offer proof that they actually work at helping people shed pounds and keep them off. Only Weight Watchers had strong documentation that it worked – with one study showing that participants lost around 5 percent (about 10 pounds) of their initial weight in six months and kept off about half of it two years later. Diet Plan Success Tough to Weigh, Christine Lagorio for CBS News, January 3, 2005
Diets Don’t Work!

Thus, at the same time that there are more diet centres and diet books than ever before in the history of humanity, the incidence of eating disorders and dieting is on the rise.
- 80% of 10 year old girls have tried dieting at least once.
- Over 90% of all eating disorders, whether overeating, restricting, or purging, begin with a diet.
- One in three women have been on more than 10 diets in their lives;
- The average woman can stick to a diet for only two weeks at a time;
- Only 9% of women never diet! (No wonder women think it is normal to focus on food and restriction!). Statistics from Women’s Health Magazine, January/February 2010 Issue, WomensHealthMag.com
- Thirty percent (30%) of women who seek treatment to lose weight have binge eating disorder. (Drugs and Therapy Perspectives)
- About seventy-two percent (72%) of alcoholic women younger than 30 also have eating disorders. (Health magazine, Jan/Feb 2002)
Without treatment, up to twenty percent (20%) of people with serious eating disorders die.
The latest general statistics (which do not include any data from The CEDRIC Centre or reflect our success rates!) on food addiction treatment reflect, to a person who is already feeling quite stuck and hopeless, a potentially bleak prognosis.
- With treatment, that number falls to two to three percent (2-3%).
- With treatment, about sixty percent (60%) of people with eating disorders recover.
- When you’re struggling, it’s very easy to hear these statistics and feel like giving up; certain that you will be in that 40% that doesn’t recover.
CEDRIC Success Rates

Well, our success rate at CEDRIC is significantly higher than the standard rates listed above and that’s because our approach is unique and simple and it just makes sense and you just get it! Things click.
In fact, one young lady at a recent workshop, after having tried a children’s hospital program, adult residential programs, and many therapists, began to cry on the afternoon of the first day of the event.
These were not tears of sadness, they were tears of joy! Her words that accompanied those tears? “Why hasn’t anyone else ever explained this this way!? Why doesn’t anyone else teach this stuff!!?? It’s so obvious!!”
That young lady went home that night, and for the first night in about 10 years, didn’t binge and purge!
These stats are here for you to understand something of how the medical world sees eating disorder treatment, not to reflect what you can achieve in your healing! Regardless of what you’ve tried before, if you’re still struggling with binging, purging, or restricting, you haven’t tried CEDRIC.
Send us an email or call us with your questions. Tell us a bit about yourself and let us tell you what specifically we can do to help you on how to stop food addiction.
With that in mind, let’s read a little more about what the world has to say about eating disorders as experienced by men, college students, and more about how dieting triggers disordered eating behaviour.
More Statistics on Disordered Eating
Approximately 1 million males have an eating disorder.
- It is estimated that currently eleven percent (11%) of high school students have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. (ANAD)
- Eighty percent (80%) of all children have been on a diet by the time that they have reached the fourth grade. (Time Magazine)
- Fifteen percent (15%) of young women have substantially disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. (National Eating Disorder Screening Program)
- Two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their goal body weight. (Rader Programs)
- Ninety-one percent (91%) of women surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting, 22% of them dieted “often” or “always.” (Kurth et. al)
- Thirty-five percent (35%) of “normal dieters” progress to pathological dieting. Of those, 20-25 percent progress to partial or full syndrome eating disorders. (Shisslak & Crago)
- A study conducted by Cornell University found that 40% of male football players surveyed engaged in some sort of disordered eating behavior. (Newsweek)
- Men constitute as many as forty percent (40%) of those exhibiting Binge Eating Disorder. (DSM IV)An estimated one in three of all dieters develop compulsive dieting attitudes and behaviors.
- Of these, one quarter will develop full or partial eating disorders.In a study done on men in the navy, 51.3% had an eating disorder, anorexia (scoring 13%) being the most common one.
- Forty-two percent (42%) of men with bulimia are homosexual or bisexual.
- Fifty-seventy percent (50-70%) of all eating disorder sufferers also suffer from depression and/or anxiety.
There IS Help – with the CEDRIC Method
These statistics show that if you struggle with stress around binging, dieting, weight loss and/or body image you are in good company.

There are millions of men and women worldwide who, in their own way, feel stuck and frustrated with their relationship with food and want to find a way to feel confident about themselves and about food and how they look.
We can help you. And, as I mentioned above, it doesn’t have to be hard or take a long time. Folks who have been struggling for decades with anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder are often able to find complete relief from the grip that food has on their lives and on their mind after a handful of counselling sessions, a workshop training, and a few months on our web based program.
It doesn’t take long and it isn’t hard. You just have to have a guide who can help you understand what’s going sideways and exactly what to do about it.
We will help. Contact us today – Tell us a bit about yourself and we will create a support program that fits your budget, your busy lifestyle, and where you live in the world.