CEDRIC’s Weekly Update – Week 16, 2010

CEDRIC Centre Weekly UpdateWelcome to the CEDRIC Centre’s blog. This is the best place online to make lasting and complete changes to your stressful relationship with food, as well as any other stressful circumstances whether in relation to your self-regard, your relationships or your career. Many would say that we are the experts in getting you from “I’m stuck” to unstuck. Our very simple, quick, and effective method for removing all the barriers to your success, while simultaneously teaching you new ways of approaching food and other stressors, works for every harmful coping strategy and for every age, male or female. So whether you overeat, restrict, purge, drink, procrastinate, get stuck in harmful or unsatisfying relationships, feel unfulfilled in your career, or struggle with family connections, our method will show you, simply and speedily, how to create the change you seek in all areas of your life. Don’t waste another day feeling stuck and stressed out. Regardless of what you may have tried in the past, I can guarantee you, you’ve never tried this because if you had, you wouldn’t still be seeking a solution. Guaranteed! CEDRIC’s Weekly Update Hello and welcome to another weekly update of CEDRIC Events! Our Spring Workshops: It’s CEDRIC founder Michelle Morand here. Our work in Victoria and Vancouver as well as far and away in the world has going well. I’ve been in Vancouver this past weekend and will be again this weekend and next for CEDRIC events. This weekend coming up (April 23 – 25th ) is our Phabulous Phase I workshop where a group of people who are ready to completely step free of using food to cope will be joining me for 3 days of intensive education and practice to create lasting change in their relationship. No need to diet ever again! Yay! The next Phase I workshop is May 14 – 16 in Victoria, BC. Just email me if you have questions or want to attend! More Vancouver Events: Next weekend (May 1 & 2) I’m facilitating 2 workshops at the Health and Wellness show. See last week’s update for details on times and places. If you’re at all interested in not using food to cope anymore and in freeing yourself from procrastination, you’ll want to attend.  I’ll be signing books and sharing a little information on the CEDRIC Centre as well. More Victoria Events: Sarah Atkinson, my right hand here in Victoria, is deep in her facilitation of our latest 12-week group. She’ll also be facilitating a 4-hour workshop in Victoria the weekend of May 14th at the Commonwealth Place to introduce people to the core tools of the CEDRIC approach and show you how quickly you can overcome your overeating and/or restricting. Again, just email or call with any questions if you’d like more details. Our Web-Based Program is Flourishing – Please Join Us!: We’ve had such a wonderfully overwhelming response to our web-based program and the group forums are filled with such great sharing and support, questions and learning, that we are choosing to extend our special rate of $33.00 per month with no initial sign up fee indefinitely. The whole purpose of the Cedric Centre, when I began to conceptualize it in the early ‘90s and when I opened the doors in 1999, was to create a solid sense of community and support worldwide for people who use food to cope and want to step free if it.  The technology of the Internet and online classes, downloads, and teleclasses has finally caught up with my vision and I am so thrilled to see how people are embracing this option to receive education and support from me and from each other, any time anywhere. Our next web program teleclass is Wed. April 21, @ 5:00 Pacific time so if you’ve been thinking of joining, I encourage you to do so before then so you can join the call. You can also email me any questions you’d like to hear answered beforehand and I’ll answer them on the call in case you can’t attend or are just too shy to ask. It’s raining here in Victoria but it’s warm and fresh. Spring has sprung. I hope the same is true for you, wherever you are. And I hope you welcome the sunshine into your life as best you can. You deserve light and warmth and lots of love and appreciation. Springtime Reflections: If you’re at all concerned or frustrated by the coming warm weather and thus, mandatory skin exposure (or death by heatstroke), I encourage you to read this article that I wrote awhile back about spring and summer and the use of food to cope. Have a fantastic week and don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly newsletter if you’re just visiting so that you can get my tools for recovery article that comes directly to your in box every Saturday morning. Love The CEDRIC Centre - Michelle Morand

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, The CEDRIC Centre Weekly Update

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