Read testimonials from our wonderful clients on how the CEDRIC Method helped them stop binge eating, emotional eating, and eating disorders.
Click on the links below to see feedback on specific offerings:
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- Personalized Online Intensive Program Feedback
"I used to dread Summer, having to get my shorts and tank tops out of the closest was torture, my body image was so distorted and I was so uncomfortable with the way I looked, I didn't go swimming for a decade, and I have always loved swimming! What a shame. After your retreat I went out and bought a bathing suit then took a refreshing swim at Beaver Lake. Thank you."
"I very much enjoyed the group. I came into this thinking that I might not get my needs met. After day one, I had my blindfold off and was much more aware of myself, emotions and the world around me. I felt it was very well balanced, and when I was unable to invite myself into a conversation, I was invited in by Michelle or other members of the group. It was so great to be able to relate to the others in the group and I hope I can participate in Phase II. Thank you, Michelle, for your kindness, love and compassion that I felt 'missing' for so long."
"Thank you so much for opening my eyes, I am grateful!"
This weekend was an amazing experience that I wish I had done years ago. I feel as though I understand myself much better and realize that what I'm thinking, feeling and doing is normal and understood by someone.
I loved the bonding with the other women, and by hearing the great ideas and seeing the procedures first-hand (guided by Michelle), made it easier to understand. I now feels as though I am much better equipped to make progress towards healing my old beliefs and replacing them with healthier ones.
It’s a work in progress, but the intensive 3 days solidified my knowledge and made me apply the tools and exercises we practiced. I know I'll be able to continue with that. Thank you, Michelle, for your compassion, expertise, wisdom and experience. We need more resources like you. It was an intense experience and I wouldn't change anything.
I loved the bonding with the other women, and by hearing the great ideas and seeing the procedures first-hand (guided by Michelle), made it easier to understand. I now feels as though I am much better equipped to make progress towards healing my old beliefs and replacing them with healthier ones.
It’s a work in progress, but the intensive 3 days solidified my knowledge and made me apply the tools and exercises we practiced. I know I'll be able to continue with that. Thank you, Michelle, for your compassion, expertise, wisdom and experience. We need more resources like you. It was an intense experience and I wouldn't change anything.
"I thought getting help for binge eating would mean I was giving up and resigning myself to being fat forever. But I learned it's not about food and I am stronger than my compulsion to overeat. Thanks!"
"Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate that you could speak to us as a group as well as address us as individuals. Thank you for your patience and compassion. I felt that this seminar is a stepping stone to changing my behavior as well as recognizing my feelings."
"Thank you for everything during these past six months- your compassion, kindness, insight, and sincerity, have meant more to me than I could ever express."
"I'm finally finding myself again. This is who I am. Wow, that feels good."
"This was an incredibly powerful and enlightening weekend. I've never delved so deeply into what makes me tick before. I now feel enabled for the first time in years to silence the Nag Hag and step outside of my current comfort zone to a happier, healthier, more balanced lifestyle. With my new tools and new friends, I can't lose. I came into this weekend thinking I knew what was up with me. What a surprise ending to find out what was truly up!"
"I was wondering why you don't open franchises across BC and Canada as the CEDRIC Centre seems to be unique in its role and approach. Now I see that that would only be possible once cloning technology has been perfected, as I can't imagine anyone else bringing everything that you bring to your job.
I was so impressed with your abilities to impart the information effectively, be kind, gentle and supportive, be direct and strong, and have the answers that everyone needed to their challenges.
The only thing that I would change would be the stretches. For me, personally, that particular series was not as effective as others I have done. I hated having my arms up so long and really didn't feel any stretch that way. The bent-forward one would be better if it was a bend right over, hang with loose arms. We did that in yoga class. It’s a bit of a strain trying to stay flat across with the arms and everything. Overall, it was close to perfect."
I was so impressed with your abilities to impart the information effectively, be kind, gentle and supportive, be direct and strong, and have the answers that everyone needed to their challenges.
The only thing that I would change would be the stretches. For me, personally, that particular series was not as effective as others I have done. I hated having my arms up so long and really didn't feel any stretch that way. The bent-forward one would be better if it was a bend right over, hang with loose arms. We did that in yoga class. It’s a bit of a strain trying to stay flat across with the arms and everything. Overall, it was close to perfect."
"It really helped me to find more acceptance around my eating behaviors. Excellent course!"
I make it my priority to ensure that the participants at my workshops get what they came for and then some! Here's a little feedback from some participants of my Phase II workshop.
"No more diets! No more pretending to be full on a salad than secretly binging later. I am through with all of that and I feel wonderful!"
"Thank you so much for opening my eyes, I am grateful!"
"Michelle you were terrific during my group! Incredibly sensitive and skilled at pulling out people's feelings. Thanks!"
"Michelle Morand is an excellent speaker who presents useful tools to aide in an individual's success."
Submitted by an Anonymous course participant,
Submitted by an Anonymous course participant,
"I admire you and the work you do very much. Your honesty and openness allow transformation to happen!"
"This weekend was an amazing experience that I wish I had done years ago. I feel as though I understand myself much better and realize that what I'm thinking, feeling and doing is normal and understood by someone.
I loved the bonding with the other women, and by hearing the great ideas and seeing the procedures first-hand (guided by Michelle), made it easier to understand. I now feels as though I am much better equipped to make progress towards healing my old beliefs and replacing them with healthier ones.
It’s a work in progress, but the intensive 3 days solidified my knowledge and made me apply the tools and exercises we practiced. I know I'll be able to continue with that. Thank you, Michelle, for your compassion, expertise, wisdom and experience. We need more resources like you. It was an intense experience and I wouldn't change anything."
I loved the bonding with the other women, and by hearing the great ideas and seeing the procedures first-hand (guided by Michelle), made it easier to understand. I now feels as though I am much better equipped to make progress towards healing my old beliefs and replacing them with healthier ones.
It’s a work in progress, but the intensive 3 days solidified my knowledge and made me apply the tools and exercises we practiced. I know I'll be able to continue with that. Thank you, Michelle, for your compassion, expertise, wisdom and experience. We need more resources like you. It was an intense experience and I wouldn't change anything."
"Thank you for being so gentle in your care of us. You made me feel very safe and willing to open up. I feel that I now have a much better idea of my core beliefs and how they have controlled me over the years and why I never made progress on the diet front. It’s not about controlling the food anymore, its all about why do I want to eat. Am I hungry? Am I trying to fill another need? You have basically taken food out of the equation for me. I still have a long way to go but I do see a glimmer of light on the horizon and the start of a new path- a new way of being me."
"This weekend workshop has provided me with some clear usable tools to assist me in identifying, understanding and communicating about my thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Having these tools at my disposal has begun to make me feel like I am ready and capable to deal with the deeper layers of my feelings and experiences that I have previously been too scared to acknowledge and begin to deal with.
I really enjoyed the format of the workshop. The 'laidback', relaxed (and familiar) environment permitted and facilitated the feeling of safe sharing. I never imagined myself being able to share in a group setting.
Overall, I'm very happy."
I really enjoyed the format of the workshop. The 'laidback', relaxed (and familiar) environment permitted and facilitated the feeling of safe sharing. I never imagined myself being able to share in a group setting.
Overall, I'm very happy."
"Michelle was an excellent instructor who was really aware of the participants needs and attended to them."
"Compulsive overeating was taking over my life until I found The Centre. I finally feel as if I can be in the same room as a box of cookies and not obsess about them."
"One day I just gave in and typed "Anorexia Nervosa HELP" into my browser, I ended up at The CEDRIC Centre. It was the best decision I have ever made."
"It was a happy, happy day when the Universe directed me to you and the CEDRIC Centre. I came for Fat Camp and ended up on a Spiritual Journey! The beginning of the rest of my life!
While I'm not much different on the outside yet, thanks to your guidance, wisdom, wealth of knowledge and support, my inner self is a whole lot more spacious, tidy and roomy... plenty of room for the shiny new set of tools you've given me. Those tools remind me of my new hiking boots.
I arrived in Victoria wearing a worn out pair of Rockport hikers. I loved those trusty old boots. They carried me around the world for five years, through all manner of weather, enduring deplorable abuse, but they were falling apart, no longer serving or supporting me, just like my tattered old limiting core beliefs.
Both boots and core beliefs have been replaced with shiny, new, sturdy models, the core beliefs bolstered with tools. It took some work to find and fit both replacements, the boots and the core beliefs. They're both going to take a bit of 'breaking in' as I'm still learning how and when to operate those tools. But I am totally certain both will carry me a long, long way. I'm excited about the journey, even while I stumble and totter, sometimes falling, sometimes striding along comfortably.
Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your expertise, your compassion, your patience... sometimes we don't get what we ask for, sometimes we get way, way more. I'm looking forward to your wise counsel for the rest of my healing journey."
While I'm not much different on the outside yet, thanks to your guidance, wisdom, wealth of knowledge and support, my inner self is a whole lot more spacious, tidy and roomy... plenty of room for the shiny new set of tools you've given me. Those tools remind me of my new hiking boots.
I arrived in Victoria wearing a worn out pair of Rockport hikers. I loved those trusty old boots. They carried me around the world for five years, through all manner of weather, enduring deplorable abuse, but they were falling apart, no longer serving or supporting me, just like my tattered old limiting core beliefs.
Both boots and core beliefs have been replaced with shiny, new, sturdy models, the core beliefs bolstered with tools. It took some work to find and fit both replacements, the boots and the core beliefs. They're both going to take a bit of 'breaking in' as I'm still learning how and when to operate those tools. But I am totally certain both will carry me a long, long way. I'm excited about the journey, even while I stumble and totter, sometimes falling, sometimes striding along comfortably.
Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your expertise, your compassion, your patience... sometimes we don't get what we ask for, sometimes we get way, way more. I'm looking forward to your wise counsel for the rest of my healing journey."
"Excellent! Michelle is extremely knowledgeable, sensitive, to issues and inspiring!"
"I like that it is stressed upon us that this is a process and just because the weekend is done, we are not cured, it is not done. I like that you made us all feel special. I love the peaceful, calming setting. I can't wait to tell my friends and family about CEDRIC. This was life-changing for me."
Excellent crowd control. I really enjoyed the mindfulness lessons with Beth. I enjoyed the stretching. I got a lot out of the 'sits' – guided meditations after meals.
Workshop Attendee,
Workshop Attendee,
"Thank you for providing a wealth of information through this website. During slow times at work, I'm able to visit and absorb pieces of inspiration. I live in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and began therapy to work on my compulsive eating/dieting/exercising. I thank God everyday I've had the courage to seek help. Although it's not always easy, I know that if I've come this far, I can hang on to the faith that I can overcome this and inspire others. I can ask more, forgive more and love more. The best is when I 'try' to open others up to my process of liberation -- Some get it, and some don't. But, I can keep loving myself, and hopefully, others can follow my example. Please keep up the good work -- I can feel this is becoming a life passion -- to rid women and men of diet mentality. To break free. To start living and loving."
Caroline C,
Caroline C,
"Michelle you really are a wonderful and helpful person. You are greatly appreciated."
Thank you for providing a secure and accepting environment for me to explore and identify some personal key issues – and for providing the tools to confidently move forward. You have a natural and gentle approach with great insight to what I'm saying / experiencing. You are a listener – and a 'hearer' and have guided this group to some real understanding – about specific situations and general issues. I look forward to making changes in my life with the skills you have provided. May you always be surrounded by the positive and loving energy you put out to the universe.
I was so impressed with your abilities to impart the information effectively, be kind, gentle and supportive, be direct and strong, and have the answers that everyone needed to their challenges.
The only thing that I would change would be the stretches. For me, personally, that particular series was not as effective as others I have done. I hated having my arms up so long and really didn't feel any stretch that way. The bent-forward one would be better if it was a bend right over, hang with loose arms. We did that in yoga class. It’s a bit of a strain trying to stay flat across with the arms and everything. Overall, it was close to perfect."
I was so impressed with your abilities to impart the information effectively, be kind, gentle and supportive, be direct and strong, and have the answers that everyone needed to their challenges.
The only thing that I would change would be the stretches. For me, personally, that particular series was not as effective as others I have done. I hated having my arms up so long and really didn't feel any stretch that way. The bent-forward one would be better if it was a bend right over, hang with loose arms. We did that in yoga class. It’s a bit of a strain trying to stay flat across with the arms and everything. Overall, it was close to perfect."
"My group was great, I felt comfortable and able to share right away."
"The need this group met for me was recognizing my own need for something (first of all, of course) recognizing that I do have this thing called 'Needs' and that I should try to meet them myself, first. By recognizing my needs, I can thus go forth on my way to meeting them. Bad coping will not meet them. I've prided myself on never needing anything from anyone, would rather go without help, than asking for it and that has separated me from my family. This was supposed to make me independent. It has not. One must meet their own needs whatever they may be, before helping someone meet their own. You CAN ask for help. You are under no obligation however to be meeting everyone's needs, especially before your own. We all have needs and will have needs that are never met- but the healthy coping strategies that have been taught have armed me with the ability to meet my own hierarchy of needs by myself."
"You truly are a marvelous teacher, healer, and companion on this Journey. And I thank you from all of me."
Here's a piece of feedback from Kristy:
I am happy! This weekend has come as a great reaffirmation of the things that we learned in Phase I, while building on the finer points of strategies to help me improve my relationship with myself and others.
I feel empowered and hopeful to put this into practice in my daily life as I've already felt the impact of the lessons and insights this weekend!
I am excited for Phase III!!
J Kristy,
I am happy! This weekend has come as a great reaffirmation of the things that we learned in Phase I, while building on the finer points of strategies to help me improve my relationship with myself and others.
I feel empowered and hopeful to put this into practice in my daily life as I've already felt the impact of the lessons and insights this weekend!
I am excited for Phase III!!
J Kristy,
"Great information, the charts and research information is really good for the analytical mind – its a good balance between all the emotion. I liked the 'working' lunches, pointing out the elephant in the room beforehand and being able to openly and freely discuss it while eating really eased me.
Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, so much help, lots of great tools. I'm very happy I came! Lots of info to process, I'm so glad its in my head now. I felt very comfortable day 2-3 with sharing and talking, I felt little judgement and felt the encouragement to be open. It was a safe environment."
Workshop Attendee,
Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, so much help, lots of great tools. I'm very happy I came! Lots of info to process, I'm so glad its in my head now. I felt very comfortable day 2-3 with sharing and talking, I felt little judgement and felt the encouragement to be open. It was a safe environment."
Workshop Attendee,
"Thank you for the best year I've ever had."
"It really helped me to find more acceptance around my eating behaviors. Excellent course!"
I found Phase II very helpful. It fit really well after Phase I. I can really see now the progression. I got more out of it than I expected and I really feel as if I've taken a big step forward in just a little time.
It was definitely worth following up with this after Phase I and I would highly recommend it! Thank you for everything.
It was definitely worth following up with this after Phase I and I would highly recommend it! Thank you for everything.
"First, I would like to start with how thankful I am to you for inviting me to this workshop. I truly believe this was exactly what I needed to continue on my journey of self healing and true happiness. I really don't think that there is anything that needs to be different. I love the tools and will be taking them home with me and I can really see myself using them. Wow! Look how far I have come!"
Thank you! I am really glad I came.
This session really served to strengthen my tools and practices to a more comfortable level.
I feel I have a better grasp on what this program offers and how it will help me, which is great because that's exactly what I wanted to happen from this weekend.
I look forward to Phase III
This session really served to strengthen my tools and practices to a more comfortable level.
I feel I have a better grasp on what this program offers and how it will help me, which is great because that's exactly what I wanted to happen from this weekend.
I look forward to Phase III
"Thank you for all your support and help. You are a great role model and I find my support group and your leadership so beneficial."
The weekend was so informative and eye-opening. I saw a new way of dealing with myself that will help me deal with years of beating myself up and putting other’s needs ahead of my own. It really isn’t about the food!! That was a big light coming on in the darkness. I look forward to feeling better and better as I put the things I learned this weekend into practice.
"I liked the comfortable feelings throughout the group. I feel connected to the people
I learned a lot about myself just by socializing during breaks with each other, sometimes more than the workshop itself. By taking this workshop I have a better outlook on my gradual recovery process. I learned to acknowledge my small successes as well as forgive myself for my failures or the times when I still use food.
I really liked the people I participated with and hope there is some way for us to keep in touch in the future."
Workshop Attendee,
I learned a lot about myself just by socializing during breaks with each other, sometimes more than the workshop itself. By taking this workshop I have a better outlook on my gradual recovery process. I learned to acknowledge my small successes as well as forgive myself for my failures or the times when I still use food.
I really liked the people I participated with and hope there is some way for us to keep in touch in the future."
Workshop Attendee,
"I feel like I've just grown up and I'm only just beginning to get to know myself since I began my sessions at The CEDRIC Centre."