Archive for 2010

The Way We Were: The Influence of Our Ancestors on our Lives Today

Last week’s article: Stop Sleeping Through the Alarm generated an amazing amount of heartfelt sharing which touched me deeply. I think we all intuitively know that we’re meant to listen to our emotions rather than tune them out. But ironically, the whole reason that we struggle with our emotions and with food at all is that we’ve been forced, due to life circumstances and by the mentoring we received from key people in our lives, to tune our own intuition out and to ignore our own authentic and appropriate reactions to situations. We are forced into, or talk ourselves into, buying the opinions, needs and perspectives of our primary caregivers. Our survival depended on it at one point, at least our emotional survival did, and for many others their physical and sexual integrity did as well. (more…)

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Stop Sleeping Through the Alarm

Stop Sleeping Through the Alarm ClockWhat sense would it make if every time your alarm went off to wake you in the morning, you said “Oh, there’s my alarm. I guess that means I’ll go back to sleep?” Not much sense in that at all. Well, every time you notice you’re feeling anxious or depressed or starting to think about using food to cope and then actually restrict, binge, or purge, you are doing exactly that. You are, in essence, noticing the alarm (your anxiety, your depressed feelings, your thoughts of using a coping strategy) and then going back to sleep through numbing out and focusing on food. (more…)

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Overcoming Jealousy and Insecurity (Podcast)

Overcoming Jealousy and Insecurity (Podcast)

If you’ve ever wondered why certain people or situations trigger you to feel so insecure or jealous at times, this recording will give you the answer. Listen to Michelle Morand’s Overcoming Jealousy and Insecurity (Podcast)

Our insecurities often lead us to use food to cope, whether through dieting or restriction, overeating, or through full disordered eating such as anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to understand why you feel insecure and to be able to take action to start feeling stronger and more confident in yourself today? Imagine how likely you’d be to reach for food to cope if you felt confident and secure in yourself overall? Listen in to this week’s podcast and learn what’s at the root of your jealousy and insecurity and some simple things you can do to change that pattern today.

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Podcast

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Guess What?! Today I’m Going to do 100 Push Ups!

CEDRIC Centre - Guess What?!I’m going to do 100 push ups when I exercise today! All at once, too! Forget the fact that I was only able to do 10 yesterday, or any other day before, for that matter! I think 15 was my best day. Maybe 2 sets of 15 once or twice…. But today I’m going to do 100! Guaranteed! And you know why? Because I’m tired of having weak arms. I’m tired of wishing I could do 100 and only ever doing 10 and then feeling crappy about myself for not being able to do 100 and then going days and days without doing a single one. Something’s got to change. I’m tired of this measly little 10-push-up self. No pain no gain, right!? (more…)

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, newsletter, Relationship with Self

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A Note on Jealousy and Insecurity

Jealousy and InsecurityOne of the most obvious forms of all-or-nothing thinking that we humans engage in is a little thing we call the green-eyed monster, a.k.a. good, old-fashioned jealousy. On the surface jealousy appears to be a simple thought, one that has you wanting something or someone that someone else “has”. But that thought has very deep roots and is itself rampant with all-or-nothing thinking which only makes you feel stuck, hopeless, and diminished. Anger is a response to a threat. We only ever feel angry when we truly feel sad and scared about something. Jealousy has a strong element of anger, a sense of judgement and injustice that belies our underlying fear and sadness. And why are we sad and scared? Well because when we’re aware of feeling jealous of someone it means we must have had the following thought just a second before: “They” have something you not only want but believe you “should” have, and by virtue of “Them” having that thing, you are less likely to have it yourself, and not having that thing makes you less valuable, less worthy than they are. Therefore, your worth / okay-ness as a person is dependent on that person. (more…)

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An All or Nothing Thinking Refresher for You

all or nothing thinkingThis week I feel compelled to expand a bit on a key piece from last week’s article on Stopping the Triggers. I want to further explore how your training in all-or-nothing thinking makes the process of complete recovery harder than it needs to be. And that, until you learn to perceive yourself and your world in a more balanced, adult way, your need for food and body focus to cope with life will remain. As I mentioned last week, it is the child’s perspective on the world that thinks in all-or-nothing, black or white, good or bad terms, and is full of absolutes. (more…)

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Stopping the Eating Disorder Triggers

eating disorder triggersFor this week’s article I’m happy to respond to a question from a telephone client on the Eastern Seaboard about stopping eating disorder triggers. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s relevant to anyone at any stage of the journey to complete freedom from food and body image stress, whether you have an eating disorder or just feel that food focus takes up more time and energy than you’d like. Question: “One minute after our talk, which I found extremely insightful as I always do, I walked out of office and into my cubicle to have my lunch.  I had ordered egg salad on a wrap and fruit.  I was ready to eat until full and, if I wanted, to finish rest later if I got hungry.  I’ve really been working hard on trying to listen to my body cues. (more…)

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, Tips for Natural Eating

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Weekly Centering Update – Eating Disorder Workshops Galore!

Hello and welcome to another update of events and weekly this and that at The CEDRIC Centre. We are almost full to capacity in our Phase II workshop, just so you know, so if you were thinking you’d like to join us August 27 – 29th, 2010, in Victoria for our Phase II event, now’s the time to let us know. We have just posted our Phase I and II workshop schedule for the rest of 2010 and well into 2011, so have a snoop. Also, do let us know your thoughts on what you would want to see as a part of our first, annual, CEDRIC Phase I/Phase II combined, super duper, all-inclusive vacation workshop.  We’ve got some ideas in our noggins’ about what we’d like to offer you during that time, and where, but we are a democracy – majority rules, so let us know. Thanks to those of you who have already offered so many great ideas. We’re compiling them and will share them with you all in September. I’ve heard from many clients this week about how much they enjoyed the last two articles (Stay with Yourself and Back to Basics).  I hope that you’ve discovered our podcasts, too, if you like to listen rather than read. They’re all on our blog if you haven’t found them yet, and they are also available at iTunes. I am sure you’ll really like this week’s article as I respond to a question from a phone client in the United States about what triggers her binges. Wishing you a week filled with new awareness. Love The CEDRIC Centre - Michelle Morand

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre

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The Solution to Nighttime Binging

Solution to Nighttime BingingFor this week’s article I am responding to a question from a reader, Anna, who, after reading last week’s article, Back to Basics, wanted some more specific information on how to overcome nighttime binging. “I get an overwhelming sense that I need to eat at bedtime.  It is almost like an obsession.  I have not figured out what thought is triggering this yet. (At other times of the day it seems easier to figure out the thoughts that precede such events.)  If I assume it is really hunger and decide to have something small, I am right into a binge and cannot stop with a reasonable amount. Any ideas?” (more…)

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self

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Weekly Centering Update – Summer Workshop Success!

Well! It’s been another transformative week here at CEDRIC.  Sarah Atkinson facilitated a great Phase I workshop in Victoria to a full house! And based on the feedback, it is clear that a lot of fun and learning was had by all. Our Kelowna events for Professionals and for the general public are starting to fill up which is very exciting as it’s my first offering outside of the lower mainland. I’m looking forward to it on all fronts! My sweetheart and I may even try to fit in a holiday which would be lovely in that region in the summer (if you like heat and lakes and wine…which I most certainly do!). We have a Phase II workshop the last weekend in August in Victoria which has 2 spaces left at this point (August 27 – 29th) and many more Phase I and Phase II events in Vancouver and Victoria in the fall and beyond. We are also having fun planning our first ever CEDRIC Centre tropical destination retreat! Oh Yeah!  If you have suggestions on where that might be held (your favorite destination) let us know. We welcome your suggestions. This event will likely be the first of many annual, all-inclusive, CEDRIC events and we anticipate it will happen in late February, early March, 2011 Again, feedback is welcome. Below you’ll read just some of the great feedback from our Phase I participants of last weekend. And I trust you’ll enjoy the article for this week as I respond to a question from a reader about her nighttime binging. Have a fantastic week, and don’t forget to check out the new little video we’ve got as an intro to the CEDRIC Centre on our home page. I think the folks who made it did a great job! Love The CEDRIC Centre - Michelle Morand Phase I Weekend Workshop Feedback, July 16 – 18, 2010 “The resources were great!” “The honesty and personal disclosures of the counsellor really helped and gave me hope and faith in this process.” “I loved the Drill Sgt. dialogue!” “It was absolutely amazing!” “For the last 3 days I was able to feel relaxed about food!” “I am so grateful that I now have concrete tools I can take with me and use when I need them!” “The breathing exercise was so helpful!” “This is a great workshop and it has definitely opened my eyes!” “It was such a safe, comfortable and supportive setting.” “I liked how, if I wasn’t able to express myself fully on an issue, someone else always touched on it for me inadvertently.” “I loved the lunchtime exercise and how I was able to check in about my hunger and fullness and then talk about it later as a group.” “I loved the healthy assortment of food and teas!” “I liked the progression of the weekend from food, to self, to others.” “You are a personable facilitator, Sarah, who was perceptive in your interactions with the group!”

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, workshops

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