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Unbelievably Amazing

Unbelievably Amazing!

“Michelle Morand and the CEDRIC method did for me in a few short months what I have been unable to do for myself in over 35 years of dieting and stressing about food and about my weight. In fact, once I actually put the tools that Michelle taught me into practice in my day to day life, within 7 days I saw immediate and miraculous change to my overall stress level and to my emotional eating. I feel happy, I feel peaceful and most of all, I feel truly free! Thank you, Michelle”

Hello, I’m Michelle Morand, the founder and director of The CEDRIC Centre. The above sentiment is one we hear daily from past and present clients. It is not unusual or an exception to the rule. You can expect the same experience yourself, when you work with us, regardless of whether you binge, purge, restrict, or engage in calorie counting and body image stress, and regardless of whether you’ve been stuck in those patterns for a few years or a few decades.

Here is another quote from someone who has attended our Weekend Workshops, joined our online program and receives individual counselling:

“Michelle, I feel like you’re one awesome lifesaver.  I’m sooo thankful to have discovered CEDRIC – it’s revolutionized my world. Truly.”

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Eating Disorder Recovery Worksheets

Hello. Here are the eating disorder recovery worksheets for basic needs, the diet mentality and the matrix to help you in your understanding of some of the key concepts of The CEDRIC Method.

Understanding how your needs are influencing your emotions and your use of food to cope is key to stepping free of that harmful pattern once and for all. Basic Needs Worksheet

The Diet Mentality will help you to be able to see more clearly when your thinking is going sideways and to change the way you think about food. It is really hard to change a longstanding pattern if you don’t have a clear idea of what you’re looking for and what you’re aiming for. This will help. The Diet Mentality Worksheet

And the Matrix worksheet is a great image and reminder that we cannot just look in the present moment for the cause of our stress or anxiety and desire to eat or restrict. We must also consider past experiences and future plans and how they may be impacting our emotions in the moment. The Matrix Worksheet

Once you understand the basics of what triggers you (basic needs, confused diet-mentality thinking, and stress of past and future as well as present day events) you can then begin to apply the core tools of the CEDRIC Method – The Drill Sgt. Dialogue and The List of Stressors to forever change the way you think and react to situations in your life.

There is no need for you to struggle feeling anxious and insecure in life or feeling crappy about your body or what you’re eating. Not any longer.

The solution is simple and fast and it just makes sense so you don’t have to talk yourself into it or force yourself to do it. You’ll soon be saying – OMG! That was soooo easy!

I’m here to help. Email and let me support you to rapid and lasting change.

Michelle Morand  (more…)

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Complete and Lasting Recovery From Your Stressful Relationship With Food

Complete and lasting recovery from your stressful relationship with food is not only possible, you can expect it with CEDRIC`s unique and supremely successful method. Simple, fast, effective, anytime and anywhere in the world.

The Pervading Belief

There seems to be a pervading belief in our society that emotional eating, and eating disorders are problems that take a long time to overcome and that even with long term therapy and drugs etc., you can really only ever hope to manage your symptoms: Restricting and overeating food, binging and purging, bad body thoughts, anxiety and depression. In other words, our society, including many mental health professionals, carries the belief that once you have a stressful relationship with food, you’ll have it for life. Many clients who come to work with us at The CEDRIC Centre have even been told that directly by their doctor or psychiatrist, or by well meaning friends and family. How inspiring is that? How motivated would anyone be to seek help and to try to generate change when the story they’re told is that it won’t really ever work?


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Weekend Workshop Q and A – Thank You

Have a listen to the Question and Answer Telecall with Michelle Morand! Weekend Workshop Q and A Michelle will be answering your questions about our workshops and generally sharing information about the CEDRIC Centre, our goals and how we can help free you from focusing on food. Should you have any questions, please contact us by email or visit, our contact page or call us toll free at 1-866-383-0797 or 250-383-0797. Remember, the call is recorded.  Also go to our video page for the workshops to get a better idea of what to expect. Warmly, Michelle and The Complete Recovery Team (more…)

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Weekend Workshop Q and A

Weekend Workshop Q and A
Thinking about coming to our next workshop? Listen to our Weekend Workshop Q and A call and learn about the workshop format and hear from past participants about how much they enjoyed attending and what they learned that changed their lives for good!

We’ve held a FREE Question and Answer Telecall for you to check out. Weekend Workshop Q and A

CEDRIC Centre founder, Michelle Morand answers callers questions about the workshop, the centre and how we can help you change the way you related to food, to your body and to others for good!

We’ve been doing this work for over 20 years and it all started from Michelle’s own binge eating disorder and her experience of recovery. That led Michelle to want to help others and to help them to have an easier time finding help and moving through the recovery process than she did over 20 years ago.

Anyone who has been able to work with Michelle through individual counselling, workshops or her web based program will tell you that she walks her talk and is a great role model and fount of information on the simple steps you need to take to stop your stressful and limiting thinking, stop feeling so anxious and stuck and stop using food and weight focus to cope with stress. 

If you’re ready to change the way you relate to food Michelle will teach you exactly what to do. You don’t need to figure it out – you just need to show up. 

You’ll immediately see how simple and intuitive a healthy and ‘normal’ relationships with food can be when you’re thinking clearly and have simple tools to help you build solid confidence and self-esteem in every area of your life.

You deserve to feel good about yourself – if you don’t believe that you really need this workshop series. And if you do believe it but can’t seem to act on it, this workshop series will teach you everything you need to know and give you the practical experience to put it into action once the workshop is over.

It’s no good getting great tools and then not using them. These tools are so simple and the education you receive at these workshops is so solid and clear, you will naturally reach for these tools and soon they will become second nature and your old stressful approach to food will be a thing of the past.

Come and join our workshop series – it’ll be the greatest gift you ever gave yourself.


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Weekend Workshops – Phase I – Newsletter Discount

Weekend Workshops - Phase 1
– Do you often eat more than you’re hungry for?– Do you feel controlled by food?- Do you avoid certain places, people, and events because of how you feel about your body? – Are you ready to be done with all that?
Here’s what you can expect from your CEDRIC Weekend Workshop: Right from the moment you arrive, you’ll quickly discover why you feel so controlled by food and how easily you can move beyond the sense of powerlessness that has kept you stuck for so long. Imagine never seeing yourself as lazy or lacking willpower ever again. Next we teach you 3 simple, yet life-altering tools that completely remove the need to rely on food as the answer to the stress in your life. The key to your success is practice, practice, practice! And that’s what we’ll be doing together – practicing our new freedom tools. We will also take time to relax and unwind with a little gentle stretching/movement component. By the end of our time together, you’ll have comprehensive knowledge about the underlying issues that drive your coping behaviour, be fortified with essential tools for long-lasting success, and have a new and refreshing outlook on life. Any questions? View the FAQs: Weekend Workshop area of our website The peace of mind you’ll gain is literally priceless. {loadposition purchaseworkshop1discount} {loadposition purchaseworkshopbundlediscount}
I very much enjoyed the group. I came into this thinking that I might not get my needs met. After day one, I had my blindfold off and was much more aware of myself, emotions and the world around me. Thank you, Michelle, for your kindness, love and compassion that I felt ‘missing’ for so long. ~Colleen
Come to the CEDRIC Centre, and you’ll leave with the ability to free yourself from food and body image stress forever. Yesssssss! Lasting change without dieting or focusing on food in any way! [Did I hear a big cheer go up?] Seem too simple and easy? The fact is our workshops have been successfully delivered for over 10 years by someone who really understands what you are dealing with. Yes, the CEDRIC Centre’s founder, Michelle Morand recovered from an eating disorder, has over 15 years professional counselling experience, and is a known expert in eating disorders and diet mentality. She has committed her life to helping others find freedom so they can concentrate on enjoying their lives without feeling compelled to use food to cope.
I really appreciate hearing from others in a group setting. I got far more than I expected out of the workshop re: self-discovery, real workable tools. ~Arden
Thousands of men and women worldwide have benefited from Michelle’s simple and profound approach and you will, too. Please join us for 3 amazing days of transformation, growth and camaraderie. Freedom from focusing on food is just around the corner.
I love the peaceful, calming setting. I can’t wait to tell my friends and family about CEDRIC. This was life-changing for me. ~Morgan

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White Listing CEDRIC Centre

What is White listing?

White listing is one of many steps that we take to get your messages to your subscribers. You don’t need to whitelist your address or IP with ISPs – you’re covered by our whitelisting.

User-Level White listing

In an effort to ensure that you receive messages successfully from The CEDRIC Centre, we suggest that you try white listing us, meaning you simply have to add our address to your list of safe contacts, so we don’t end up in your junk folder.   To help guide you, here are examples of how to whitelist addresses in different email programs:


To add an address or domain to Safe Senders in Outlook:
  • Select Actions | Junk E-mail | Junk E-mail Options… from the menu in Outlook.
  • Go to the Safe Senders tab.
  • Click Add….
  • Type our email address or our domain name, you want to white list.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK again.

Mozilla Thunderbird

You will need to add our From address,, to your Thunderbird Address Book and configure your  Junk Mail Controls to white list your address book. Add our From address into your Personal Address Book:
  1. Click the Address Book button.
  2. Make sure the Personal Address Book is highlighted.
  3. Click the New Card button. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other.
  4. Under the Contact tab, copy and paste our email address, into the Email dialog box.
  5. Click OK.
You can also right-click any email address you see in Thunderbird and select Add to Address Book. Now white list your Personal Address Book:
  1. From the main drop down menu, select Tools -> Junk Mail Controls..
  2. This will launch the Junk Mail Controls window that has two tabs: Settings and Adaptive Filter
  3. Under the Settings tab, update the White Lists module by selecting Personal Address Book from the pull down menu and then check mark the box next to Do not mark messages as junk mail.
  4. Click OK.

Yahoo Mail (New Version)

Users of the new Yahoo Mail should create a filter. Yahoo currently redirects you to the old Yahoo Mail interface to set up the filter, but in the future should integrate the Add Filter page directly into the new interface.


You will need to add our email address,, to your Hotmail Safe List:
  • Click the Options link on the right side of the interface.
  • Choose Mail from the left side of the Options page.
  • Click Junk E-Mail Protection.
  • Click Safe List.
  • Type into the box and click Add.

Windows Live Hotmail

Not surprisingly, Windows Live Hotmail works similarly to the old Hotmail:
  • Click the Options link at right and choose More Options from the dropdown.
  • Choose Allowed and Blocked Senders.
  • Click Allowed Senders.
  • Type and click Add to List.


GMail will automatically deliver mail from your Contacts list to your inbox. To add a contact:
  • Click the Contacts link at left.
  • Near the top of the page click Create Contact.
  • Enter the The CEDRIC Centre and, and click Save.

AOL Webmail

AOL has a Custom Sender List that you can specify. However, to use the Custom Sender List, you must choose to accept mail ONLY from your custom senders, or to reject mail ONLY from your custom senders. So, you need to make sure that you are set to receive mail from All Senders:
  • Click the Settings link at the top of the page.
  • Choose Spam Controls from the options at left.
  • Under Additional Spam Filters click Control From Whom I Get Email.
  • A popup appears – choose the first option Allow mail from all senders.
  • Click the green Save button.
If you are already using a Custom Sender list to define who can mail to you, please make sure you add our email address, to it.

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