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3 CD Bundle

3 CD Bundle3 CD Bundle3 CD Bundle   Bundle all three CDs for $59.99 plus taxes and shipping. {loadposition purchaseaudiobundle} Healthy Relationships: The patterns that we have learned about how to be in relationship with another person are often a key element in our use of food to cope. Those old harmful ways of thinking about relationships and our role in them frequently thwarts our recovery more than anything else. This doesn’t speak to your significant other necessarily, it may be colleagues, parents, kids, friends, the grocery store clerk etc. It doesn’t matter who it is. If you’re in the habit of looking outside of yourself for validation and approval of who you are and what you’re worth you will to some extent be stuck in the insecurity of “the external locus of control.” This is a very vulnerable place to be and it’s practically impossible not to use some behavioural coping strategy like food, alcohol, shopping, co-dependency etc. when you’re there. It’s impossible to feel safe and secure in your world when it is (or at least seems to be) ruled by everyone else; their moods; their whims and needs at the moment. This CD will give you tools to assess the relationship issues that may lead you to use food to cope and what specifically you can do to begin to think, feel and act differently in those situations to bring about healthier and more authentic connections with everyone in your life. If you just had a heart attack at the thought of authentic communication in your relationships with some key people in your life, this CD is a must have for you! Conquer those old patterns now before they get any deeper into your relationships. Authentic communication is actually much simpler than what you’re doing now and it creates much much much less distress within you and with others than some of your current communication patterns. Join Michelle Morand, for 60 minutes that can change the way you think, feel and act in your relationships forever. Natural Eating: This CD covers all the basics of why you use food to cope and what you can do to bring greater awareness and choice to your underlying triggers. If you are ready to challenge your existing patterns around food and begin to have a free and easy relationship with food this is the place to begin. Michelle Morand, Founder and Director of The CEDRIC Centre shares the basic principles of recovery from disordered eating and the diet mentality. With clear and simple information and tools you will immediately begin to understand and to change your stressful and undermining thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food. Compassion Is The Key: Compassion is often the key missing ingredient in our relationship with ourselves. As such we seek to motivate ourselves through criticism and fear which only serves to drive us back to food to cope. In order to truly be free from food as a coping strategy, regardless of whether you overeat, purge, or restrict; the first step is beginning to have empathy and compassion for yourself. No, that doesn’t mean anything like settling for where you are now. It means respecting and appreciating yourself enough to want to be the best you can be and live the life you were meant to live. Compassion is the key. In this CD, Michelle Morand, Founder and Director of The CEDRIC Centre will share key information on why you may resist self-compassion; why it is so important to your freedom from food to cope; and what you can begin to do today to gently, compassionately, and successfully begin to challenge your diet mentality once and for all! (more…)

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Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships The patterns that we have learned about how to be in relationship with another person are often a key element in our use of food to cope. Those old harmful ways of thinking about relationships and our role in them frequently thwarts our recovery more than anything else. This doesn’t speak to your significant other necessarily, it may be colleagues, parents, kids, friends, the grocery store clerk etc. It doesn’t matter who it is. If you’re in the habit of looking outside of yourself for validation and approval of who you are and what you’re worth you will to some extent be stuck in the insecurity of “the external locus of control.” This is a very vulnerable place to be and it’s practically impossible not to use some behavioural coping strategy like food, alcohol, shopping, co-dependency etc. when you’re there. It’s impossible to feel safe and secure in your world when it is (or at least seems to be) ruled by everyone else; their moods; their whims and needs at the moment. This CD will give you tools to assess the relationship issues that may lead you to use food to cope and what specifically you can do to begin to think, feel and act differently in those situations to bring about healthier and more authentic connections with everyone in your life. If you just had a heart attack at the thought of authentic communication in your relationships with some key people in your life, this CD is a must have for you! Conquer those old patterns now before they get any deeper into your relationships. Authentic communication is actually much simpler than what you’re doing now and it creates much much much less distress within you and with others than some of your current communication patterns. Join Michelle Morand, for 60 minutes that can change the way you think, feel and act in your relationships forever. {loadposition purchaseaudio3} (more…)

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Compassion is the Key

Compassion is the Key Ingredient in a Relationship – In Audio CD

Compassion is the Key Compassion is often the key missing ingredient in our relationship with ourselves. As such we seek to motivate ourselves through criticism and fear which only serves to drive us back to food to cope. In order to truly be free from food as a coping strategy, regardless of whether you overeat, purge, or restrict; the first step is beginning to have empathy and compassion for yourself. No, that doesn’t mean anything like settling for where you are now. It means respecting and appreciating yourself enough to want to be the best you can be and live the life you were meant to live. Compassion is the key. In this CD, Michelle Morand, Founder and Director of The CEDRIC Centre will share key information on why you may resist self-compassion; why it is so important to your freedom from food to cope; and what you can begin to do today to gently, compassionately, and successfully begin to challenge your diet mentality once and for all! {loadposition purchaseaudio2} (more…)

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Natural Eating Audio CD

Natural Eating Guide – In Audio CD

This Natural Eating Guide CD covers all the basics of why you use food to cope and what you can do to bring greater awareness and choice to your underlying triggers. If you are ready to challenge your existing patterns around food and begin to have a free and easy relationship with food this is the place to begin. Michelle Morand, Founder and Director of The CEDRIC Centre shares the basic principles of recovery from disordered eating and the diet mentality. With clear and simple information and tools you will immediately begin to understand and to change your stressful and undermining thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food. {loadposition purchaseaudio1} (more…)

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Food is not the Problem (download)

Food is not a Problem, The Book – Download it Now!

Food is not a Problem, The Book

In this groundbreaking book, Michelle Morand, Founder and Director of The CEDRIC Centre, gives readers a solid road map to recovery from their use of food as a coping strategy. “Food is not the Problem, the Book” is filled with insights and tools that cover the three key areas of recovery: Your relationship with food; Your relationship with yourself; and Your relationship with others.


Food is not the Problem (download)

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Starved, a show about eating disorders is inline with a recent affair last January 10th 2005 , when a spate of stars has come out as having eating disorders. Tween Queen Mary- Kate Olsen, Jamie Lyn Sigler Discala of The Sopranos, former Spice Girl Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckhman, Christina Ricci, Fiona Apple, and Brandy, to name but a recent few. Heck, even little Lisa Simpson from the hit show, The Simpson’s had a recent episode where she flirted with an eating disorder in order to get social approval. And now, F/X, an American cable channel, is in talks to produce a new show about four friends struggling to make it in LA. In “Starved,” each of the stars on the show will have an eating disorder, mirroring just how commonplace eating disorders actually are among women, on TV and off. “I think seeing eating disorders on prime time television is a mixed blessing,” says Michelle Morand, founder and director of The CEDRIC Centre. “On the one hand, if it’s educating people about eating disorders, it’s a good thing, because it’s creating awareness. But there’s that old saying, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing, and there are actually studies showing that television shows aimed at discouraging kids from eating disordered behaviors arenot much of a deterrent and in some cases, the shows are used as a “how to.” The CEDRIC Centre specializes in the treatment of clinical eating disorders, sub-clinical disordered eating patterns, and related issues such as anxiety, depression, and distorted body image. Their registered clinical counselors provide bodywork, group, and individual counselling, as well as community outreach presentations for schools, educators, and health professionals. All of The CEDRIC Centre’s counsellors have recovered from an eating disorder, and are proud to have facilitated the recovery of hundreds of men and women in Victoria , BC and beyond.  

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End the Obsession

Eating disorders and food obsession will be the main topic on the “End the Obsession Workshop” which will be held on January 15th 2005 from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. The CEDRIC Centre, (Community Eating Disorders and Related Issues Counselling), is hosting this first annual event, costing $167.50; snacks and beverages included, at The Sandman Hotel Board Room, 2852 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC. To register, 1-250-383-0797. Everyone’s got a gimmick these days. Ultimate Solutions, Lean Lifestyles, and Super Skinny Pills are falling off trees. “But,” asks Michelle Morand, founder and director of The CEDRIC Centre, “do they really produce lasting change, get to the bottom of why you overeat and do they teach you new behaviors, or do they just put you on another diet?” “Our 1 Day End the Obsession Workshop is pretty intense. And it’s not a magic bullet, either. People who come won’t suddenly stop feeling obsessed with food at the stroke of midnight. But, they will gain simple and concrete tools they can take home and use, when they need them, to change their relationship with food permanently.” End the Obsession and Stop Eating Disorders “If you want to stop obsessing about every bite you eat, and stop measuring your self-worth based on the numbers on a scale, this is where you need to be,” says Morand. The CEDRIC Centre specializes in the treatment of clinical eating disorders, sub-clinical disordered eating patterns, and related issues such as anxiety, depression, and distorted body image. Their registered clinical counselors provide bodywork, group, and individual counselling, as well as community outreach presentations for schools, educators, and health professionals. All of The CEDRIC Centre’s counsellors have recovered from an eating disorder, and are proud to have facilitated the recovery of hundreds of men and women in Victoria , BC and beyond.  

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