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CEDRIC Centre Mindful Eating Info Package

CEDRIC Centre for Mindful Eating Info Package

The CEDRIC Centre’s specialized program helps people of all ages to lose or gain weight and to maintain a natural weight for their bodies, for life without diet and rigorous exercise regimes. We teach you how to establish a healthy relationship with food, yourself and others, how to deal with stress, anxiety and depression in ways that boost self-esteem and allow you to feel more secure as you focus less on what you eat and weigh.  See intro video for the CEDRIC Centre Mindful Eating Info Package. The CEDRIC team provides counselling in person in British Columbia, Canada, as well via skype and phone worldwide.  We offer 3-day Workshops, Hard Copy and Downloadable  Resources sold separately or accessed through our Online Program and incude: CD’s; DVD’s; Workbooks; Teleclasses, Lessons, Assignments, a book entiled, Food Is Not The Problem – Deal With What Is by CEDRIC Founder and Director Michelle Morand, MA, RCC and more! (more…)

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Binge Eating and Eating Disorder Workshops Video Clips

Binge Eating and Eating Disorder Workshops – Video Clips

Hello! Below you’ll find some clips of video segments of binge eating and eating disorder workshops hosted by Michelle Morand of The CEDRIC Centre. These workshops teach you everything you need to know about why you struggle with trusting yourself around food and with your weight and body image. 

They teach you 3 simple, step-by-step tools that just make sense and that will transform the way you think, feel and behave more rapidly and easily that you ever thought possible.

Most people, by the time they come to my site and start exploring The CEDRIC Method, have tried countless diets and weight loss methods, perhaps even surgery or severe eating disorders requiring medical intervention or hospitalization. Chronic dieting and weight preoccupation is really just a symptom of a confused response to stress. Fix the confusion and your relationship with food will become relaxed, balanced and easy and your weight will naturally stabilize at a healthy, sexy, weight for your body. You’ll feel so confident and secure in yourself in your body and in your relationships and career that you just won’t feel the need or desire to use food to cope with stress or to preoccupy yourself with the number on the scale or what you had for lunch.

Right now you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of confused and reactive, insecure thinking that triggers anxiety and depression which in turn triggers you to focus on food and on your weight as a method of feeling better. In reality, as your life is showing you, focussing on food and weight as a way to decrease stress and increase self-esteem is doomed to fail because until you are able to trust yourself to respond reasonably and respectfully to life events and trust yourself to know when someone else is being reasonable or irrational, you will continue to feel anxious and to need your food coping strategy.  Whether you restrict or overeat or anywhere in between, the cause is the same and the solution is simple.

Let me show you have easy it can be to change forever the stress you feel about food, about your weight and body image, and about yourself in relation to others. The solution is simple, you just need someone to help you start thinking in a new way.  I can help.


Eating Disorder Weekend Workshops



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Disordered Eating

  Warning Signs & Strategies for Disordered Eating As parents, you are on the front lines with your children, who are being bombarded constantly by peer and media messages that tout the thin ideal. Unless you emigrated as an adult from a culture with more realistic feminine and masculine ideals, you also will have been inundated with messages about what is right, and what is wrong, regarding food, body size and shape. (more…)

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How to Stop Using Food to Cope

I’m glad you’re here at The CEDRIC Centre Website. The link below will lead you to an hour long conference call where I answered questions for a caller about how to stop using food to cope; particularly, how to stop eating so much between meals so that she could actually be hungry for and enjoy meals. (more…)

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Exploring Alexithymia

Understanding Alexithymia By Michelle Morand, MA, RCC Now bear with me here. I’m going to take you on a bit of a journey, in order to explain a very important part of your recovery process. If you were sitting in my office, I’d be leaning over and beginning to draw a diagram on my white board to illustrate this piece of information, and you’d be laughing at my poor artistic ability. (more…)

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What is Orthorexia Nervosa?

Differences Between Anorexia and Orthorexia By Brooke Finnigan Orthorexia Nervosa is a term coined by Dr. Steven Bratman, who first published his insights to the readers of Yoga Journal in 1997. Bratman, a physician who utilizes dietary medicine in his practice, and, a long time proponent of the health food movement, wrote about his experiences, and how the impulse to be healthy can be taken to dangerous extremes. (more…)

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