CEDRIC Client Testimonials

CEDRIC Client TestimonialsBy Tina Budeweit-Weeks, Ed. We want to share the feedback we get with our readers. Here is a little collection of the nice things people are saying about what the CEDRIC Centre is doing for them. In one of the comments, our process of achieving wellness is refered to as ‘slaying dragons’. Its kind of fun to think of the ‘Drill Sergeant’ as having scales and breathing fire. I think that with the continued influence of CEDRIC philosophy, people can start seeing the fillibustering roaring dragons for what they are, meek, tiny, feeble little energies that are out to get us. Hah! The first little write-up is from participants of our Phase II Weekend Workshops. “Thank you for making this opportunity available.  Coming together with other people that use food to cope is not only comforting but motivating.  You provided a platform where others like me could learn in parity, by sharing our stories, experiences and challenges.  This past weekend has not only given me further insight into myself as a person but has also left me feeling very inspired to be (as I am learning) the individual, wife, mom and friend I want and can be.  I look forward to continuing on this journey with you as my guide and support.  You are an incredible counselor, teacher and woman.  I cannot thank you enough.  L.” This next testimonial is much longer, but says so much that we wanted to share it with you in its entirety. “Hi Michelle, Family and friends have been witnessing this for quite some time already and have watched us through our individual processes.  They have had many conversations with us about what we are doing and asked how we were able to make the changes we have done so far.  We shared with them about how we are free to create anything new…but sometimes….we don’t know what the ‘new’ is.  We shared that sometimes we can figure it out by ourselves or by something we have read or seen, but sometimes we get stuck on the old and require assistance. We shared that we have read books, taken courses or counselling so that we can seek new information and new techniques and also so that we have the support and help as well in being able to move out of our old habits and behaviours that aren’t healthy for our personal and family living.  Sometimes when our brain muck is way too deep and our thinking gets stuck in this negative mire….we need a hand.   Many of our friends, single and couples, have now gone on to reading books about creating positive changes, have taken courses and gone to counselling too and have been making good changes as well.  We’ve been told that they felt motivated and encouraged to do this after talking with us and hearing our stories about our challenges and good outcomes.  If our life journeys inspire another…even only one…to take heart….and courage….to design a better life than the one they had….and to feel okay to seek information when needed or call for help if needing some professional help…well wouldn’t that be absolutely lovely!  I am always delighted when my life or the life of another….becomes more enriched and enhanced. Rather sad to say…but most people take better care that their cars run okay, that their cars are maintained and that they take their cars go in for repair and have professional help if not running right, take a course on how to drive a car and run it safely on the road with others…but how much and how often do we think about our own lives and how well we drive it or make sure it is running okay?  Oh the things that make me go…hmmmmm??  lol. See you in 2 weeks my dear friend, Glenda  : ) And finally, Michelle presented the CEDRIC philosophy to the dieticians at a local Victoria hospital last month and the following is a bit of feedback from that session. “Just a note to say thanks very much for the information and resources you shared with us last week.  It was interesting and helpful to hear about your background and the Cedric Centre services….for my personal, family and professional purposes.  My sense is you’ll have slayed many dragons along the way with your collaborative, creative and client focused approach! In appreciation, and with best wishes. Jane Tosney, KCC Renal Dietitian “ Slaying dragons… yep… that’s what we’re doing alright.

Posted in: CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, The Law of Attraction, Tips for Natural Eating

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