The Diet Mentality Trap
The Diet Mentality is a way of thinking that has been ingrained in us by messages we receive from our family and friends, from advertisements and media messages, and from diet and exercise programs that we may have tried in the past or may currently be pursuing. These views about how we should look, feel and behave have become a part of our way of life. Without these guidelines, many of us feel like we would have no restrictions and would just let go and “go crazy” – eating whatever we wanted with no ability to control ourselves. What would follow, we fear, is uncontrollable weight gain.
Remember that diet’s don’t work and that 90% of eating disorders begin with dieting. So if you catch yourself thinking or behaving in any of these ways, just pause and remind yourself that this is The Diet Mentality and that it just keeps you stuck in overeating. Let it go. If you can remember that compassion and self-trust is the key to overcoming overeating, you can begin to trust that you are doing the best you can, and that is enough.
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre
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