Transformative Weekend Workshops – Phase 1
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Just give Janice a call to register at 1-866-383-0797 or 250-383-0797 or email
To learn more visit our Weekend Workshops section
Our next Phase 1 3-day Transformative Weekend Workshops will be held in Vancouver June 1st to 3rd, 2012 and also Oct. 12th to 14th with Michelle Morand.
CEDRIC Specialtist Dawn Cox will be hosting the Phase 1 3-day Transformative Weekend Workshops in Victoria, July 20th to 22nd, 2012.
We are really pleased to be bringing our Phase I Workshop to Calgary for the first time the summer of 2012. Put your name on the waiting list and we’ll let you know when it is taking place.
You can sign up for the workshop by going to Call Janice if you have any questions. Installment plan available.
If you’ve been thinking that you need to have some time set aside just for you and healing your stressful relationship with food now is the time and the CEDRIC Centre is the place.
Our weekend intensive workshops are called “transformative” for a reason!
If you are ready to forever change your relationship with food and with your body join us for the experience of lasting change.
I hope to see you there!
Come and join us in beautiful Victoria or Vancouver BC, with special dates in Calgary. See Schedule.
If you’ve been thinking that you need to have some time set aside just for you and healing your stressful relationship with food now is the time and the CEDRIC Centre is the place.
Our weekend intensive workshops are called “transformative” for a reason!
If you are ready to forever change your relationship with food and how you approach the world around you, join us and get empowered on many levels!
Visit our Weekend Workshops section for more information or e-mail
Posted in: Upcoming Events
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