Archive for Upcoming Events


Master Series 3 Day Eating Disorder Workshops:

– ‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’:  Feb. 22nd to 24th, 2013 in Vancouver and March 8 to 10, 2013 in Victoria.  Our ‘Master’ Series of workshops is designed to help those who are emotional or stress eaters, struggle with bulimia, anorexia or binge eating, or are caught in the diet cycle with no lasting results, find peace and freedom with food and maintain a natural weight for their body, without the need for chronic dieting and rigorous exercise programs.  CEDRIC Counsellors teach everything participants need to know about what is triggering their frustrating thoughts and behaviours around food and other aspects of life, and how to change them once and for all!


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CEDRIC Centre 2013 ‘Master Series’ Workshop Schedule

2013 ‘Master Series’ Workshop Schedule

2013 ‘Master Series’ 3-day Weekend Workshop Schedule

Hours: All workshops run from Friday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. Cost: All workshops cost $636.00 + tax with payment plans available.

Vancouver Workshops with Michelle Morand, MA, RCC:

‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’ Dates: ; Feb. 22nd to 24th; May 17th to 19th; Aug. 9th to 11th; Oct. 18th to 20th ‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’ Dates: March 15th to 17th; June 21st to 23rd; Nov. 15th to 17th ‘Mastering Relationships: The Relationship Equation’ – July 26th to 28th; Dec. 6th to 8th Venue for all Vancouver Workshops: Century Plaza Hotel,  1015 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3B6


Victoria Workshops with Dawn Cox, M.Ed., psych, RCC:

‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’ Dates: March 8th to 10th, July 12th to 14th and November 8th to 10th Venue: Common Room at 1246 Fairfield, Victoria, BC, V8V 3B5


Calgary Workshops with Michelle Morand, MA, RCC:

Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour Dates:July 5th to 7th ‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’– Dates: July 12th to 14th Venue: MacEwan Conference Centre, U of Calgary, 2500 University Dr NW Calgary, T2N 1N4 There is a hotel at the University, if you would like to stay there as well.

Posted in: 2012, Complete Recovery, News Release, newsletter, Relationship with Food, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, Relationships 101, Self-Help Services, Services, Upcoming Events, workshops

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Calgary Health Show 2012

Calgary Health Show 2012

Click for a a few minutes of Michelle presenting ‘Sidestepping The Food – Emotion Power Struggle’ recorded at the The Victoria Health Show, Feb. 29th, 2012.

Michelle Morand, will be a featured speaker at the Calgary Annual Health Show, March 18th, 2012 – 2:35 pm to 3:25 pm, presenting:

‘Sidestepping The Food – Emotion Power Struggle’

She explains the underlying reasons why we use food or restricting to cope, both from a chemical and psychological point of view, and provides steps to set your self up to have a stress free relationship with food.  The knowledge you gain is very empowering on many levels, particularly when you realize what is driving many negative coping strategies, not just your issues with food.

This talk is for anyone whose relationship with food is stressful and whose weight is not where they would like it to be.  Michelle shows you how to begin to have a healthy relationship with food and how to maintain a natural weight for your body, for life, without dieting and rigorous exercise regimes. You can’t be healthy, let alone happy and secure in your life if you are stuck focusing on what you ate and what you weigh. Join Michelle and learn why you struggle with food, what is really triggering the frustrating way you think and behave, and what steps to take to achieve long lasting change, create peace in your mind and feel more confident in your own skin

Venue: The Annual Calgary Health Show, Big Four – Hall A – Stampede Park.

Cost: Free once you pay the $5.00 admission for 1 day or $7.50 for both Sat. and Sun.  Children under 12 are free.

Show Hours: Sat. March 17th – 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sun. March 18th – 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Michelle’s Talk: Sun. March 18th from 2:35 pm to 3:25 pm.

Come visit our booth, meet Michelle and gather some information on how we may help you.



Join Michelle on Sun. Jan. 29th at the Victoria Total Health Show where she will be a featured speaker at 3:40 to 4:30 p.m. Michelle’s topic will be:            Sidestepping the Food – Emotion Power Struggle’.

If your relationship with food is at all stressful and your weight is not where you’d like it to be, you must attend this presentation by CEDRIC Centre founder Michelle Morand. In one hour Michelle will show you how to begin to have a healthy relationship with food and how to maintain a natural weight for your body, for life, without dieting and exercise regimes. You can’t be healthy, let alone happy and secure in your life if you are stuck focusing on what you ate and what you weigh. So, if you are at all frustrated with the amount of time you spend thinking about what you are eating or how much you weigh, come and learn some simple steps to break free from the food – emotion power struggle.


You can catch Michelle at her booth as well as speaking about ‘Sidestepping the Food- Emotion Power Struggle’ at 3:00 p.m. at the upcoming Vancouver Health Show, Oct. 29th and 30th, at the Vancouver Convention Centre, East Facility – Hall B, Sat -10 am to 6 pm and Sun. 11 am to 5 pm.

If your relationship with food is at all stressful and your weight is not where you’d like it to be, you must attend this presentation by CEDRIC Centre founder Michelle Morand. In one hour Michelle will show you how to begin to have a healthy relationship with food and how to maintain a natural weight for your body, for life, without dieting and exercise regimes. You can’t be healthy, let alone happy and secure in your life if you are stuck focusing on what you ate and what you weigh. So, if you are at all frustrated with the amount of time you spend thinking about what you are eating or how much you weigh, come and learn some simple steps to break free from the food – emotion power struggle.




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Vancouver Health Show, Oct. 29-30, 2011

You can catch Michelle at her booth as well as speaking about ‘Sidestepping the Food- Emotion Power Struggle’ at 3:00 p.m. at the upcoming Vancouver Health Show, Oct. 29th and 30th, at the Vancouver Convention Centre, East Facility – Hall B, Sat -10 am to 6 pm and Sun. 11 am to 5 pm.

If your relationship with food is at all stressful and your weight is not where you’d like it to be, you must attend this presentation by CEDRIC Centre founder Michelle Morand. In one hour Michelle will show you how to begin to have a healthy relationship with food and how to maintain a natural weight for your body, for life, without dieting and exercise regimes. You can’t be healthy, let alone happy and secure in your life if you are stuck focusing on what you ate and what you weigh. So, if you are at all frustrated with the amount of time you spend thinking about what you are eating or how much you weigh, come and learn some simple steps to break free from the food – emotion power struggle.



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Transformative Intensive Weekend Workshops

Hello out there in our CEDRIC community! It’s the new year and perhaps you’re feeling it’s time to make some changes to the way you relate to food and to how you look and feel about your body. I’m pleased to announce that CEDRIC is offering our intensive weekend workshops in October, in both Vancouver and Victoria. These intensives are called ‘transformative’ for a reason! If you’d like to experience rapid and lasting change in your relationship with food and your feelings towards your body, join us for our intensive weekend workshop. For more information I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. Come and join us and see how quickly and easily you can forever change your relationship with food! (more…)

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Transformative Intensive Weekend Workshops

Transformative Intensive Weekend Workshops Come and join us for an intensive workshop where we teach you how to identify the route cause of why you use food or restricting food to cope with stress and tools to learn how to cope differently and adopt a new attitude towards the stressors in your life.  We cover issues that not only help you address your disordered eating, but many aspects of your life, including self-esteem, relationships, boundaries and an inner dialogue to help your ‘re-jig’ your thinking so you are facing these issues and more with a healthier, more empowered point of view. We employ 3 simple, yet life-altering tools that help remove the need to rely on food as the answer to the stress in your life. No matter where you live or how long you’ve been using food to cope, you can find your way to freedom, and it’s easier than you think!

Click Here to Read comments how past participants have benefited from this intensive 3-day event.

Also see some comments below: ——————————–

“I was able to get down to the core issues surrounding my distorted beliefs, which I didn’t feel were distorted until we picked apart some of the thought patterns that I had every single day.  I really believed my thoughts and views were not a key factor at all – but they are!  I really enjoyed that the eating issues were not the core focus; figuring out what part of our thoughts triggered the emotions to engage in a self-destructive patters were – and that is truly helpful.”


“It was helpful to hear from other people dealing with food issues – it helped me to realize that many of our core issues are the same even though it may manifest itself in different ways.  It was good to start breaking down the overwhelming feeling of anxiety into more manageable pieces that don’t feel quite so daunting to face.  As hard it was t open up about painful issues with other people listening, I think it was a good jump start to being able to share more in the future.  Good venue – comfortable couches – nice to have snacks and lunch provided.”


“First off I just want to say THANK YOU!  This weekend has been such an amazing and eye opening experience for me.  I really feel that I now have way better tools too deal with my feelings, anxieties and problems. You provided such a safe and loving environment that I felt okay expressing my feelings and showing my weaknesses.”


“This weekend helped me identify the Drill Sargent and clarify the compassionate part that wants me to get my needs met. Tying in identifying my needs and Maslow’s Hierarchy was also helpful to refer back to – the structure of it was a concrete tool that was great. I liked the format – going into and doing the inner ‘Drill Sergeant Dialogue’ and List of Stressors and reviewing that – also was great to hear other participants’ comments – made the weekend dynamic and helped learning.”


“I learned about ‘Drill Sergent’s’ messages that she sends/tells me.  I did not know that D.S. wanted best for me, except that D.S. has a very warped way of doing it. I learned that i could use more practice in using non-violent words when I trying communicate with others. I really got a sense of what ‘all or nothing thinking’ is and how it affects me. I learned and want to learn more about co-dependence. I learned that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me, until this weekend I thought that this way of ‘living’ was going to be my destiny. I learned new tools to help me in counselling and in my relationships with family.”

See more


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