It’s All in the All-Or-Nothing Thinking
I can’t tell you how many times in my process of recovery I was wrapped up in all-or-nothing thinking; absolutely certain it was truth and feeling very anxious and overwhelmed because my story was not a happy one, only to discover upon speaking it aloud, or writing it down that I was in all-or-nothing thinking! At that point I had a choice. I could choose to continuing giving energy to that all-or-nothing thought; I could continue to buy into it and live my life as though it were true OR I could remind myself that that is all-or-nothing thinking and ask myself what other possibilities exist. Inevitably when I challenged my all-or-nothing thinking, it fell apart every single time! Not once was the Drill Sgt. able to sustain his all-or-nothing thinking when I wrote it down and asked myself what some other possibilities were. I was freed! I could stop myself from using food to cope every time by enhancing my abilities to expose my all-or-nothing thinking. You see, the more frequently you check in with yourself, the more readily you will identify any unmet needs as they arise. Then you can set about the amazing journey of self-discovery and self-esteem building as you begin taking action towards meeting those needs.Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre
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