Clothes and Self-Esteem
Wearing comfortable clothes mean you’re not punishing yourself any longer and harming yourself with truckloads of bad body thoughts. Nothing will make you think nasty thoughts about your body faster and more frequently than tight or uncomfortable clothing. And if you’re one of many who use food to cope with your feelings, then your frustration, disgust, anger, sadness, fear, etc., that is triggered by your bad body thoughts will lead you to eat for comfort faster than anything else!
So, if you’re resisting buying comfortable clothes because you don’t feel deserving or you want to “motivate” yourself to lose weight, please remind yourself that this line of thinking is all Drill Sgt. and no compassion, and that all you’ve ever gained by listening to the Drill Sgt. is low self-esteem and more weight. Unmet needs are at the bottom of your food and body image focus. Now it’s time to create a safe and respectful environment for yourself so you can meet your needs without harming yourself in the process.
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre
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