Transformative Intensive Weekend Workshops

Click Here to Read comments how past participants have benefited from this intensive 3-day event.
Also see some comments below: ——————————–
“I was able to get down to the core issues surrounding my distorted beliefs, which I didn’t feel were distorted until we picked apart some of the thought patterns that I had every single day. I really believed my thoughts and views were not a key factor at all – but they are! I really enjoyed that the eating issues were not the core focus; figuring out what part of our thoughts triggered the emotions to engage in a self-destructive patters were – and that is truly helpful.”——————————–
“It was helpful to hear from other people dealing with food issues – it helped me to realize that many of our core issues are the same even though it may manifest itself in different ways. It was good to start breaking down the overwhelming feeling of anxiety into more manageable pieces that don’t feel quite so daunting to face. As hard it was t open up about painful issues with other people listening, I think it was a good jump start to being able to share more in the future. Good venue – comfortable couches – nice to have snacks and lunch provided.”——————————–
“First off I just want to say THANK YOU! This weekend has been such an amazing and eye opening experience for me. I really feel that I now have way better tools too deal with my feelings, anxieties and problems. You provided such a safe and loving environment that I felt okay expressing my feelings and showing my weaknesses.”——————————–
“This weekend helped me identify the Drill Sargent and clarify the compassionate part that wants me to get my needs met. Tying in identifying my needs and Maslow’s Hierarchy was also helpful to refer back to – the structure of it was a concrete tool that was great. I liked the format – going into and doing the inner ‘Drill Sergeant Dialogue’ and List of Stressors and reviewing that – also was great to hear other participants’ comments – made the weekend dynamic and helped learning.”——————————–
“I learned about ‘Drill Sergent’s’ messages that she sends/tells me. I did not know that D.S. wanted best for me, except that D.S. has a very warped way of doing it. I learned that i could use more practice in using non-violent words when I trying communicate with others. I really got a sense of what ‘all or nothing thinking’ is and how it affects me. I learned and want to learn more about co-dependence. I learned that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me, until this weekend I thought that this way of ‘living’ was going to be my destiny. I learned new tools to help me in counselling and in my relationships with family.”See more
Updated Workshop Schedule
{loadposition workshop-schedule} Register or for more information. Convenient payment plans available. Remember, Michelle knows what you’re going through and carefully creates all of her products and services with you in mind. All you have to do is make the choice to attend and the rest will unfold as it should to let you finally be free. For more information contact or I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. Come and join us and see how quickly and easily you can forever change your relationship with food! If you want to have your name on waiting list for a workshop close to you, email Janice and she’ll let you know if we organize one near you.Posted in: Upcoming Events
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