Posts Tagged stress eating

Life Mastery Workshop Schedule and Details


Life Mastery Workshops – Feb. 22nd to 24th in Vancouver & March 8th to 10th in Victoria, kick off our 2013 Schedule.

If you struggle with behaviour around food and other coping strategies, join us for one of our ‘Master’ Series Intensive 3-day Workshops and learn why you have been stuck in a stressful relationship with food and the steps to take to achieve to maintain a natural weight for your body, for life, without dieting and exercise regimes.  We focus on Mastering Behaviour, Balance and Relationships and empowering you!

See the details below for each of our 3 day events that are sure to change your life forever!

2013 ‘Master Series’ 3-day Weekend Workshop Schedule

Hours: All workshops run from Friday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day.

Cost: All workshops cost $636.00 + tax with payment plans available.

Vancouver Workshops with Michelle Morand, MA, RCC:

‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’

Dates: Feb. 22th to 24th; May 17th to 19th; Aug. 9th to 11th; Oct. 18th to 20th

‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’

Dates: March 15th to 17th; June 21st to 23rd; Nov. 15th to 17th

‘Mastering Relationships: The Relationship Equation’ – July 26th to 28th; Dec. 6th to 8th

Venue for all Vancouver Workshops: Century Plaza Hotel,  1015 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3B6

Victoria Workshops with Dawn Cox, M.Ed., psych, RCC:

‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’

Dates: March 8th to 10th, July 12th to 14th and November 8th to 10th

‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’ Date: Sept. 13th to 15th

Venue: Common Room at 1246 Fairfield, Victoria, BC, V8V 3B5

Calgary Workshops with Michelle Morand, MA, RCC:

Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour Date: July 5th to 7th

‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’– Date: July 12th to 14th

Venue: MacEwan Conference Centre, U of Calgary, 2500 University Dr NW Calgary, T2N 1N4

There is a hotel at the University, if you would like to stay there as well.

Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’ 3-day Intensive Workshops

The best way to achieve mindful, balanced eating is to address the root cause of why you are not able to achieve and /or maintain it.   That’s where our specialists come in.  They teach you everything you need to know about why you struggle with food, what is really triggering the frustrating way you think and behave, why you haven’t been successful in changing your behaviours, and, most importantly, what you can do to gain a new and healthy approach to food and the world around you.

We’ll explore why you do what you do with food, relationships, anger, procrastination, depression, anxiety, isolation, exercise, drugs, alcohol, work/school, and many other harmful coping strategies.  

You will also learn 3 simple tools that enable you to simply eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and manage life in ways that enhance your self-esteem and lead to greater peace and happiness in all areas of life. We will teach you how to:

  • establish a healthy relationship with food that lasts;
  • follow through on commitments to self-care;
  • relate to others in ways that enhance your relationships and self-esteem;
  • feel more confident in your own skin;
  • meet your basic needs (without feeling guilty or needy!);
  • change your harmful ways of coping with stress to helpful ones, once and for all.

When you have simple, logical steps to follow, the process of creating lasting change isn’t hard. Regardless of how many programs, methods, tools etc. you’ve tried before, you can do this because it’s simple and it just makes sense

‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’ 3-day Intensive Workshops

In this transformative workshop, you’ll learn how to build trust and confidence in your ability to know what you need and to follow through on providing that for yourself. Our participants are often amazed how simple it is to figure out what they really want and most importantly, to see themselves following through on making that happen!

We’ll uncover and teach you how to change your past training in how you think and behave towards yourself and, others, and the world around you, that has prevented you from listening to and valuing your own feelings and needs.  This, sadly, may have naturally led you to feel anxious and to use harmful patterns of behaviour like overeating, restriction, isolation, anger, drinking etc., to cope with that anxiety and frustration!

This has created a vicious cycle of doing things that don’t really demonstrate kindness and caring for yourself – feeling anxious as a result – and using those harmful coping strategies to numb out – leading to more anxiety and a great need for those coping strategies….and round and round we go!

But not after this weekend! We’re going to be identifying the thoughts and behaviours that keep you stuck and then you’ll learn clear and simple strategies for making the changes that you’d like to make in all areas of your life, that feel safe and authentic and most importantly, doable!

Click to read Participant Feedback on ‘Mastering Balance’

Vancouver – ‘Mastering Relationships: The Relationship Equation’ 3-day Intensive Workshops

Relationships are really quite simple when we understand the basics of human evolution, development and relating. In this transformative meeting of minds you’ll come to understand why people do what they do.

Throughout the weekend, you’ll be learning and practicing the basic equation of relationships and trust that you are doing the best you can in every relationship. This is understanding and trust in yourself and your relationship skills is fundamentally important to healthy relationships and good self-esteem because when you know you are doing your part as best you can, you naturally feel confident, secure and peaceful, regardless of what the other person is doing/thinking or feeling. Imagine that! Now, come and experience it!

You’ll also learn how to tell, and what to do, if you find that you’re doing more than your fair share of the emotional work in a relationship. And you’ll know how to create a sense of true safety, trust, respect and intimacy with all the key people in your life.   And we’ll explore:

– How you can truly feel deserving of love;

– How to ask directly and respectfully, with confidence for what you need, from anyone, anytime, anywhere – without feeling scared, selfish, or having heart palpitations!; and

– How to feel confident in your ability to communicate in a way that demonstrates respect and dignity for yourself and creates safety and trust in all of your relationships.

Relationships really are quite simple. It’s just a matter of knowing the relationship equation. So join us, learn the equation, and see how easy relationships can be.

Click for Participant Feedback on ‘Mastering Relationships’


Please Register at least 2 weeks before the event.  Agendas for the event are sent out the week before the date.

If you want to set up a subscription of more than 3 payments contact our admin office.

Let us know if you would like suggestions for accommodations to suit a variety of budgets. as well as local transportation routes in the cities we hold events in.

As always, our team is here to help you one way or another.  Just let us know how we can.

And if you live elsewhere in the world or simply prefer the convenience of working with us from your home we will meet with you via Skype, Google+ or telephone – whatever works best for you.

Posted in: 2013, workshops

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Calgary Workshop for Food & Weight Stress, 2013

Updated Schedule for 2013 Calgary Workshop for Food & Weight Stress:

Workshop for Food & Weight Stress Host: Michelle Morand, MA, RCC: Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour  Dates:July 5th to 7th ‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’– Dates: July 12th to 14th Venue: MacEwan Conference Centre, U of Calgary, 2500 University Dr NW Calgary, T2N 1N4 (more…)

Posted in: 2012, workshops

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Food, Brain Chemistry, and Binging: Part II The Role of Dopamine

The Role of DopamineHello all, If you’re reading this series of articles you’re joining me in exploring how certain foods influence our brain chemistry and our moods and in understanding why we’re drawn to eat them, often in quantities that we know aren’t in our body’s best interest. This understanding is key to being able to freely choose to make different choices and to genuinely offer yourself understanding and compassion when you feel compelled to have those forbidden/guilt laden tasty treats. Both are important components of completely healing from your stressful relationship with food and from your body image / weight-loss roller coaster. In my last newsletter I asked you to be on the lookout for a few things so you’d be better prepared for the next few articles. If you missed that article and you’d like to catch up feel free to read it first and then come back to this one when you have time. It will really help you to see where this information can be applied to your life and you’ll get the most out of your time and effort. For this week I want to share a little education with you about how Dopamine influences us and how we can directly influence our Dopamine levels. Then in the next handful of articles we’ll be looking at specific food groups and food choices and how they directly impact our dopamine levels. When we do, you’ll see quite clearly that the reason you don’t reach for carrot sticks when you’re feeling down has nothing at all to do with willpower and everything to do with a combination of unmet needs and brain chemistry. (more…)

Posted in: 2012, Brain Chemistry, Relationship with Food

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How To Get Free Of The Diet Mentality Part X ©

Get Free Of The Diet MentalityHurrah! We made it! This is Part X in our Diet Mentality series. This series is my gift to you. The series will provide you with a clear, concrete sense of how your thinking about food and body image gets in your way. It describes what you can begin to do in each of the key Diet Mentality areas to begin to feel at peace within and comfortable in your skin. Last week I asked you to consider your answers to some questions about clothing and body image. What did you come up with? I imagine you realized you have some pretty impossible expectations of yourself. Or at least, expectations that are preventing you from just feeling comfortable and doing what you’d like to do in your life at this time. The story that you have to be anything other than what you are now in order to have comfortable clothing, get out there and do things, and be worthy of equal treatment is a very all or nothing and, therefore, paralyzing thought. Inevitably it leads you to feel even more uncomfortable, more stuck and depressed. This naturally leads you to want to eat those foods that will numb and soothe you and, at least for a brief moment in time, make you feel a little better. (more…)

Posted in: 2012, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Food, The Diet Mentality Series

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How To Get Free Of The Diet Mentality Part VII ©

Get Free of the Diet MentalityHello! This is Part VII of The Diet Mentality Series, (visit The CEDRIC Centre Blog for immediate access to all articles in this series). Welcome new members of our community! You’ll fit right in here if you are an emotional eater, binge, restrict, or struggle with anorexia, bulimia or some other stressful way of relating to food and want to learn how to stop. Over the past 2 months now we’ve been exploring in detail each of the key aspects of thinking and behaving that make up what we at CEDRIC call The Diet Mentality. Last week we covered the topic of weight and how our attachment to a certain size or weight impacts us. I asked you to contemplate a brief series of questions to do your own inner exploration of this topic and from the feedback I received you learned a lot! Good on ya! This week we are going to begin a little exploration on another of your favorite diet mentality topics: Exercise! Don’t ya just love it!!! (more…)

Posted in: 2012, The Diet Mentality Series

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The first step to thinking rationally (and never using food to cope again).

thinking rationally about foodThis week I want to share an article with you that will get you thinking in a whole different way. If there are ever times these days, when you find yourself feeling stuck between agreeing with someone else’s perspective or holding your ground and honouring your thoughts / feelings / experience, then it is highly likely you’ve been trained to think in an all or nothing way that sounds something like this:
  • If I acknowledge any validity in what you are saying that means I am completely negating my perspective and that makes you “right” and me “wrong.”
Or, put another way:
  • If I let you know that I understand why you think and feel as you do that means I’m saying it’s right or okay and that means you won’t take the time to acknowledge or validate my perspective, nor will you see any need to grow or change (if your perspective/approach doesn’t work for me).  In other words if I acknowledge that I understand you it means I am agreeing with you and therefore I am agreeing to things continuing to be as they are; agreeing that you are “right” and therefore I am “wrong.” I’m not okay with how things are therefore I can’t acknowledge your perspective.  (This, by the way, is the mentality that leads to most of the divorces in our society).

Posted in: All-or-Nothing Thinking, newsletter, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self, Relationships 101

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