Posts Tagged stop overeating
Posted by Cedric on October 30, 2012Master Series 3 Day Eating Disorder Workshops:
– ‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’: Feb. 22nd to 24th, 2013 in Vancouver and March 8 to 10, 2013 in Victoria. Our ‘Master’ Series of workshops is designed to help those who are emotional or stress eaters, struggle with bulimia, anorexia or binge eating, or are caught in the diet cycle with no lasting results, find peace and freedom with food and maintain a natural weight for their body, without the need for chronic dieting and rigorous exercise programs. CEDRIC Counsellors teach everything participants need to know about what is triggering their frustrating thoughts and behaviours around food and other aspects of life, and how to change them once and for all!
(more…)Tags: binge eating, compulsive eating, counselling for binging, counselling for compulsive eating, eating disorder clinics, Eating Disorder help Vancouver, Eating Disorder Help Victoria, eating disorder treatment, emotional eating, help for bulimia, how to stop binging and purging, overcome anorexia, overeating, recover from stress eating, recovery from eating disorders, restricting food too much, stop overeating
Posted in: 2012, Complete Recovery, Upcoming Events, workshops
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Posted by mmorand on May 11, 2012 I want to share a tool I discovered to deal with the guilt I felt about eating. But, before I do, I must digress for a moment and ask you if you have ever been in a relationship with a person that commits to doing something and then does not follow through? If you have, then you know that your relationship with that person weakens because with each breach of commitment, it indicates that they cannot be trusted. We are inclined to ask ourselves to overlook “small” things and not to be “too sensitive” or “needy” or “demanding”. We force ourselves to detach from our own authentic self and his or her appropriate feelings. We align more with the untrustworthy person than we do with ourselves. What message do you think this sends us about our perception of our own worth and about our perception of the validity our feelings? Well, it simply reinforces that old story about you not being good enough or deserving enough of honesty and integrity in your relationships on all levels. It sets you up to expect relationships to lack follow through and to force yourself to accept less than you deserve and need in the way of trustworthiness. I want to make you aware of the feeling you get when someone breaks a commitment, regardless of how small or large it is. It is the same feeling each time you tell yourself that you are going to eat a certain thing or not eat a certain thing, or that you are going to eat only a certain amount or only at a certain time and you don’t follow through on that commitment. You are breaching your own trust in yourself, undermining your own self-esteem and sense of safety within you. (more…)Tags: acceptance, achieving goals, balanced eating, binge eating, comfortably full, commit to your goals, committment to yourself, compulsive eating, core beliefs, eating disorders, eating realistically, healthy eating, Listen to your body's hunger cues, natural eating, reasonable goals, stop overeating
Posted in: 2012, Natural Eating 101, Relationship with Food, Relationship with Self
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