Posts Tagged sexual addiction
Posted by mmorand on June 26, 2010
It seems like evolution, whether at the motivation (conscious or otherwise) of some more sentient, omnipotent being, or exclusively through some natural selection process, has brought us to a place of consciousness of our separation and individual responsibility faster than we are able to comfortably and confidently step into the role of responsible individualism.
I believe strongly that this theory is evidenced by the multitude of behavioural and thought processes that humans engage in, on a daily basis, whose sole purpose is to distance ourselves from this present moment and from the reality of separation and individual responsibility combined with complete interdependence on others.
Tags: alcohol, anorexia, avoidance, blame, body image obsession, bulimia, co-dependcy, consciousness, disgust, drugs, emotional abuse, food obsession, harmful coping strategies, intrusive ideation, isolation, loathing, overeating, paranoid ideation, passive-aggressive, physical abuse, procrastination, raging, relationship addiction, self-blame, self-criticism, self-responsible, self-shame, sexual abuse, sexual addiction, shopaholism, suicidal ideation, verbal abuse, withdrawal, workaholism
Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self