Posts Tagged emotional_triggers

Who Says?

Who SaysHello all!! For this week +- Last week we were noticing comparisons, and the week before we were observing the tone we used to speak in certain situations and what it means about how we’re feeling and perceiving ourselves. I have yet to receive any direct feedback on the comparison recon and will follow up with you on how to make best use of this assignment when I do. So, if you tried the exercise and are just a bit too shy or self-critical to share what you learned, remember you can always share and ask for your personal information to be kept private. This week I want you to pay special attention to:
  1. Any time that you feel silly, small, stupid, or judged.
  2. Any time you find yourself imagining a situation in the future where something will happen that you believe will trigger those feelings of insecurity.

Posted in: CEDRIC Centre, Relationship with Others, Relationship with Self

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