Posts Tagged anorexia counselling
Posted by mmorand on December 7, 2012
Laura was 19 when she first came to see me for help for anorexia, orthorexia and chronic dieting. She was wafer thin, and with the exception of her face and hands, every inch of her yellowed skin was covered in layers of thick clothing. It was June.
She sat across from me, arms folded, legs crossed, eyes firmly attached to a spot on the floor that seemed to have captivated her interest rather keenly for a tiny speck of lint. Her opening volley,
which she directed generally towards my side of the room through clenched teeth, was something along the lines of:
“I’m only here because my mom thinks I have a problem and she said if I came to see you once she’d lay off and leave me alone.”
Tags: anorexia counselling, anorexia nervosa recovery, Counselling for restricting food, Eating Disorder Counselling worldwide, eating disorder treatment, Overcome Anorexia for good, rebalancing, self esteem, Vancouver Eating Disorder Help
Posted in: 2012, All-or-Nothing Thinking, Anorexia and Bulimia, Complete Recovery, Relationship with Food, Relationship with Self