Phase I Weekend Workshop Feedback; February 20 – 22nd, 2009
Hello All!
We had such a great time at the Phase I workshop this weekend! I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to spend an intensive amount of time with a group of women who were so ready to move through their use of food to cope and to tackle the underlying triggers. It was a great treat for me and I want to extend a thank you to each of the participants for your sharing and support of each other.
I’d like to share with the rest of you some of the feedback from the participants of this past weekend workshop.
If you’ve been to a Phase I before, then these insights are bound to bring back some memories! If you’ve never been, perhaps it will give you a sense of what you might achieve in joining me for our next Phase I workshop which will be held May 29 – 31, 2009 in Victoria.
So, read on and imagine the possibilities!
Love Michelle.
“I really appreciate hearing from others in a group setting. I got far more than I expected out of the workshop. I do not feel like there is anything missing. I have been given all the pieces to be effective and make lasting changes. Everyone was given what they needed and got lots of one on one time. I honestly couldn’t suggest one single thing that would have made the weekend here more complete and satisfying. I thank you from my heart that I had this opportunity.”
“I thought this weekend was great! I really appreciate how you helped us on an individual level with problems because they always seemed to have some similar core that helped everyone but also gave me clarity and advice about my particular problem. I also liked how you kept reinforcing the core tools so we wouldn’t forget and showed us how to apply them to many circumstances. The workshop is full of good information and not at all intimidating so keep it up!!”
“I felt comfortable in the group and really connected to the people. I learned a lot about myself just socializing during the breaks with each other. I have a better outlook on my recovery and have now learned to acknowledge my small successes and forgive myself for the times when I still use food to cope.”
“Everything was relevant! In the beginning I felt like the odd one out because I hadn’t met you or done any work with the centre yet but I immediately began to feel part of the group and by the end of the first day didn’t even notice. When I left for the evening of the first day I could hear your voice in my head asking “Why is that important…. And that means?” The tools are fantastic and I feel so motivated to use them! I know this is a process and I am able to see that one failure is not complete failure. Life will be different now because I can stop, breathe and identify the all or nothing thinking that I didn’t even know was there”.
“Great research and information in the handouts and discussions. It was really good for the analytical mind. A very good balance between the rational and the emotional. I liked the working lunches. Pointing out the elephant in the living room beforehand and being able to openly and freely discuss it while eating really eased me. I’m very happy I came and I’m so glad I have all these great tools in my head now. I felt very comfortable talking and sharing and encouraged to be open. It was a very safe environment.”
“The workshop was amazing! You are a truly wonderful and knowledgeable woman. I’m so excited to use my new tools and you have given me so much insight! Change is such a scary road for me but you have taught me that it can be gradual and a huge learning experience. Every bit of effort counts. I feel honored and blessed to have you as a support.”
“This workshop has provided me with some clear, usable tools to assist me in identifying, understanding and communicating about my thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Having these tools at my disposal has begun to make me feel like I’m ready and capable to deal with the deeper layers of my feelings and experiences that I have previously been too scared to acknowledge and begin to deal with.”
“I really enjoyed the format of the workshop. The laid back, relaxed environment permitted/facilitated the feeling of safe sharing. I never imagined myself being able to share in a group setting.”
If you would like to know more about our Phase I workshop or register follow this link to read more or send us an email.
Have a great day and remember healing and complete recovery is right around the corner! You can do it and we can show you how!