Transformative Weekend Workshops – Phase 2

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Just give Janice a call to register at 1-866-383-0797 or 250-383-0797 in Victoria or email her at to learn more.  You can also register online by visiting our Weekend Workshops section.

We are planning our next Phase II Weekend Workshop in Vancouver, Friday, November 9th to 11th, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

This workshop is suited to all past participants of our Transformative Weekend Workshop; to those who are engaged in our on-line counselling / educational program; and to those who have read the book “Food is Not the Problem: Deal With What Is!” or who have engaged in 6 or more one-on-one counselling sessions.

Personally I think every human being on the planet needs this workshop! But then I am mildly biased!

In this workshop we start with a focus on deepening your understanding of the many ways you’ve learned to cope with stress and how they impact your life so that you can freely choose to keep them or let them go.

We will then engage in a simple, step by step process of identifying and exploring your core values and principles. This will aid you greatly in ensuring that from here on in you only make decisions and choose actions that are in alignment with these core values and principles. This piece alone is so powerful and brings such an immediate sense of peace and tranquility to your mind and to your life that it’s worth coming just for this one discussion.

Then we’ll explore the key areas of your life that you currently put time into and those that you would like to start putting some time (or more time) into and look at what’s reasonable to expect of yourself in each of those areas. This exploration allows you to immediately become aware of the ways that you have been expecting certain achievements or energy levels for certain pursuits and whether they are even possible! (A hint? Often they are very possible but not in the way you’ve been going about it!)

Then we put all these pieces together and establish a gentle daily/weekly/monthly routine, and gentle goals for the things you want to achieve in the key pieces of your life. You’ll clearly see that your dreams are attainable within a balanced life. Whew!!! And, even better, you’ll know exactly what steps you’re going to take and when in order to achieve those goals!

That’s a productive weekend, I’d say!

So, I hope you’ll join us.

As always if you’d like to come and finances are a concern we’re very happy to work out a payment plan that works for you.

Let me know if you have any questions about this weekend or about what you, personally, can expect to gain from joining me.

Love Michelle



Posted in: Upcoming Events

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