Natural Eating Podcast

Natural Eating Podcast

This week  we have a Natural Eating podcast for you.

Natural eating simply means eating like a normal person (forgive me for saying that – it must seem that dieting and being obsessed about weight is the new norm, but read on to see what I mean).

Normal, natural eating looks like this:

You eat when you’re hungry; you stop when you’re full; everything is in moderation and you feel no guilt nor any body image judgement for the kinds of foods you’re eating or the quantities because you trust yourself to be reasonable and balanced.

If you’re not approaching food this way it is highly likely that you struggle with weight loss and body image stress and that you find yourself ricocheting back and forth between binging and restricting day in and day out.

This podcast will help you understand what is not working in your current approach to food and what you can start to experiment with that will change the stress you feel about eating and lead to natural – non-diet-based weight loss that lasts.

As soon as you can allow for the possibility that the problem is not your willpower or commitment to eating well or being healthy and fit but that’s it is actually the belief that dieting will help you to feel better and that there is something wrong with you for not being able to stick to the diet-du-jour, you are beginning to step free and you can be very quickly successful with this process of eating naturally and being a natural weight for your body effortlessly.

Explore the Natural Eating handout, print it out and post in on your fridge. Give yourself the gift of reinforcing these new ways of thinking and being around food a bit each day and you’ll be amazed how quickly you return to your natural state of being physically and mentally.

Natural Eating Handout

And if you’d like to get some help and see how fast and simple changing your approach to food and feeling good about yourself can be, email me and we will get started towards you freeing yourself from food and body stress.

Love Michelle

Posted in: 2010, CEDRIC Centre, Podcast

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