
Master Series 3 Day Eating Disorder Workshops:

– ‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’:  Feb. 22nd to 24th, 2013 in Vancouver and March 8 to 10, 2013 in Victoria.  Our ‘Master’ Series of workshops is designed to help those who are emotional or stress eaters, struggle with bulimia, anorexia or binge eating, or are caught in the diet cycle with no lasting results, find peace and freedom with food and maintain a natural weight for their body, without the need for chronic dieting and rigorous exercise programs.  CEDRIC Counsellors teach everything participants need to know about what is triggering their frustrating thoughts and behaviours around food and other aspects of life, and how to change them once and for all!

People come to our workshops to deal with food and are amazed at how much they learn about themselves and their relationships throughout the weekend. They learn how to heal and deal with core issues in their life in life enhancing ways, so the use food and other harmful coping strategies is replaced with balanced, healthy living, as a new empowered, enlightened and calmer attitude is adopted towards life’s stresses and challenges. See the details below for each of our 3 workshops. ‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’ Feb. 22nd to 24th  with Michelle Morand in Vancouver – and March, 8th to 10th, 2013 with Dawn Cox in Victoria, BC. At our ‘Master Your Brain – Master Your Behaviour’ Workshop participants learn 3 simple tools that enable one to simply eat when they’re  hungry, stop when they’re full, and manage life in ways that enhance their self-esteem and lead to greater peace and happiness in all areas of your life.  We teach how to:
  • establish a healthy relationship with food that lasts; 
  • follow through on commitments to self-care;
  • relate to others in ways that enhance our relationships and self-esteem;
  • feel more confident in our own skin;  
  • meet our basic needs (without feeling guilty or needy!); and  
  • change our harmful ways of coping with stress to helpful ones, once and for all. 
Read more about this workshop        Read Written Feedback Watch Dawn’s Intro to her Workshop       Watch Video of Michelle’s Intro to her Workshop along with participant’s comment

‘Mastering Balance: Creating Solid Self-Esteem and True Inner Peace’ (taking place in 2013) with Michelle Morand.

Michelle reviews the thoughts and behaviours that keep us stuck in the patterns we want and need to let go of.Michelle further explores how to feel confident and happy in our own skin and balanced in all the things we really want to do.  Following through on the goals becomes easier and we can feel the peace that comes from knowing that everything we want for ourselves is within reach. Participants learn clear and simple strategies for making the changes that feel safe and authentic and most importantly, doable! Read More about this Workshop        Read Written Feedback  

‘Mastering Relationships: The Relationship Equation’ –  with Michelle Morand; Date TBA for 2013

Relationships are really quite simple when we understand the basics of human evolution, development and relating. In this transformative meeting of minds participants come to understand why people do what they do.Throughout the entire weekend they will be learning and practicing the basic equation of relationships and how to ensure that they are doing your part in every relationship as best they can. This is fundamentally important to healthy relationships and good self-esteem because when we know we’re doing our part as best we can we naturally feel confident, secure and peaceful regardless of what the other person is doing/thinking or feeling. Read more about this workshop       Read Written Feedback   

Here are some samples of Participant Feedback:

“…an amazing experience that I wish I had done years ago”  “I realize now that it’s not about controlling the food anymore, its all about why do I want to eat.” “I found the Drill Sgt Dialogue to be a helpful tool for decoding and re-wording the negative dialogue in my head”
“I feel I understand more about what triggers my coping strategy, how to recognize it and deal with it before I am using my coping strategy and spiraling out of control”  “I was able to get down to the core issues surrounding my distorted beliefs, which I didn’t feel were distorted until we picked apart some the thought patterns that I have every single day. I really believed my thoughts and views were not a key factor at all – but they are!”
“It was good to start breaking down the overwhelming feeling of anxiety into more manageable pieces that don’t feel quite so daunting to face”   “The creation of a truly safe environment allowed me to truly experience some of the deeply buried, painful feelings I have been denying for a long time. This lead to a significant breakthrough for me – for which I am forever grateful.” “I go away from this weekend with simple but profound tools to deal with my stressors in an authentic, non-threatening way.”
“…an amazing eye-opening experience!”  

Posted in: 2012, Complete Recovery, Upcoming Events, workshops

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